venti x reader |18| studying at the park

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School had just finished, the bell rang, and people pushed each other out the doors. I waited for the loud and chaotic crowds to exit the building before leaving the classroom.

I carried my heavy bag, stuffed with books and binders. As I set foot out of the classroom my phone vibrated softly in my pocket. I check and see a notification from Venti.

"Hoya! Loveyyy let's go to the park together! Come meet me at the main entrance doors!"

- Venti

I'd really like to go, but I have tons of things I need to prepare for before my exams next week, and shouldn't Venti be at home studying as well? My fingers tap on the glass, typing a message out to respond to Venti.

"Oh, ah, I'd really like to but I really need to prepare for the exams next week..."

- (Y/N)

Venti is typing...

"Gosh, well let's prepare together for the exams at the park then! Ehe! :p"

- Venti

Studying outside would be nice, and I'll have help if I have any questions about anything. Venti's smart, surely he'll be kind enough to provide some knowledge to his lover~

"Sounds great! I'll need some help, and studying outside sounds quite nice. I'll meet you at the doors!"

- (Y/N)

Venti loved "Sounds great! I'll need some help, and studying outside sounds quite nice. I'll meet you at the doors!"

I place my phone back in my pocket and head for the main entrance doors. I walk through the quiet, long, and empty hallways. Finally, I arrive at the main entrance doors, I see Venti standing there playing some sort of game on his phone.

"Hoya hoya (Y/N)!" Venti says, looking up from his phone to me. I wave back and walk closer to him. He sets down his phone and gives me a hug. "Oki Doki! Let's go~" He says cheerfully as always. He takes my hand and we walk to the park together.


We finally arrive at the park. Birds sang their songs, and children laughed in the distance. The weather was really nice, not too hot and the wind was calm. We made our way to a picnic table surrounded by trees. The sun shone through the leaves and gave us a source of light so we could study without having to seek light all the time.

Venti set his bag down and so did I. We both took a seat across from each other and got out our notebooks and binders.

"Which subject shall we begin with?" Venti asked, tapping the tip of his pencil on the table.

"Let's start with math, I'm extremely sucky at it." I reply, flipping through my binder looking for the math worksheet.

"Well just so you know I'm pretty sucky at math too so don't expect me to know the answer to everything on the page okay?" Venti chuckled, as he violently flipped through his binder to find his worksheet.

I giggle and look down at my worksheet. I immediately knew I was going to need a lot of work when I saw the first question. It wasn't even supposed to be that hard! A complicated math question existed on the paper. I look up and see Venti's face, he looked like he had no darn clue what to do either.

"So uhm... you're smart you should know...?" I ask Venti, scratching the back of my head with an awkward smile.

"Ehe..." He laughed, whipping out his notebook to see if he wrote down what the teacher was babbling about in class.

After about an hour of math hell, we finally got it figured out. We knew what to do and how to do it. I scribbled numbers and letters onto my page, I felt like an actual cool mathematician.

We asked each other questions and managed to finish the sheet. We then moved on to another subject, then another, then the one after that until the sun began setting.

"_____ was the reason why _____ happened and so _______________ should never ___________." I explain to Venti, he nods his head and jots down whatever I just said in his notebook.

"Great, we did great. Okay, let's go do something fun now we've been studying for 3 hours straight let us treat ourselves!" Venti says, quickly packing up his things so we can do something better with our lives.

"Yea good idea." I say, packing my things up as well.

Venti and I walked hand in hand to my place. We walked on a bridge and saw the sun setting by the lake.

"We should study together more often, I think it's less boring and difficult when you're around." Venti says, looking at me, smiling.

"Of course! That'd be great!" I respond, giving him a thumbs up with my other hand.

We arrived at my house. He walked me to my door and I brought out my key. Before leaving Venti placed a soft and light kiss on my forehead.

"Have a good evening love, I'll see you at school tomorrow!".

I seriously don't know. Like wtf this is so random but I suppose I'll let it go. I'm so sorry it's not as romanticy as my other ones but I kinda forgot how that stuff worked because I was studying and working my butt off this month. Makin sure I have no work to do on the day of my birthday uwu. Also you guys have a ton of explaining to do. 2k reads. I cannot thank you enough.


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