venti x reader |8| camping

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I looked outside the car window, I saw nothing but a road and flat fields. Venti wanted to go camping this week so he booked a camping site that wasn't very far away from home. "Ventiiiiii how much longer~" I whined.

I didn't like sitting in the car for too long. "Also I didn't know you could drive-" I said with a giggle. He looked at me with a bruh face. "Of course I can drive Y/N why do you think I have a car?" He said with disbelief. He looked away from me and paid attention to the road.

I took a nap in the car, Venti woke me up when we arrived. I got out of the car and did a couple stretches. Venti opened up the trunk to get the tent and our bags. I made my way over to him to help him. I saw Venti struggling with setting up the tent.

"You wanted to go camping and you can't even set up a tent?" I asked. "SHSHSHSHHSSHHHHH WE DONT TALK ABOUT IT SHHHHHH~~~~" he replied frantically. I laughed as he looked away from me and continued trying to figure out ✨how to tent✨.

Finally after 30 minutes Venti finally set up the tent. I began inflating the air bed, HuFf PuFf wHooisH FiFuHfUii. It took me about 15 minutes to inflate that mf up. When I finished I yeeted that bad boy into the tent and jumped onto it, nearly popping it.

Venti also jumped on the mf bed but I got yeeted up because I guess the air bed decided to be like that. "HAHAHAGAHAGAHHAGAGAHAHAHAHAGAGAGAHAGH LOL RIP Y/N~" Venti burst out in laughter. I glared at him and said "U next? Hm?".

His facial expression changed immediately. "Eheheheh Y/N I'm sorry I'm sorry ok..? Eheheh...?". I continued to take little steps towards the bed Venti backed away until his back was touching the tent. I jumped onto the bed and Venti went FlYyyIiIiInggG wEeEeEe.

After all that  chaos we finally stopped and went to go eat lunch omGgG WOOooOoWww. I made him grilled cheese to piss him off. But he ate it anyways. After we ate we both went hiking. "AwHHH it'S So hot" Venti complained.

"It was your idea, should've been more prepared and probably shouldn't have worn a sweater and sweat shorts" I giggled as he took off his sweater and yeeted it onto my head. I took it off and put it in my backpack. We kept walking and walking until we came across this extremely tall mountain.

"Venti, wanna race me up there?" I asked. "Hmm... I dunno... I think I'm gonna get bored up there waiting for you~" he said with a confident look. "On your mark... get set... GO!" I shouted. We both ran to the bottom of the hill and started making our way up.

I hung on to the big rocks sticking out of the ground to make sure I don't fall back and roll down the hill. Venti began to summon strong gusts of wind to help him get to the top first. "HEY THATS CHEATING VENTI YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO DO THATATATATATTATA GRRRRRRRR🔫👈😠" I yelled, picking up the paste to catch up to him.

"Mmm you should've gone over rules before we started Ehe~ aw well it's too late now~~~. Cya at the top!" He was going so fast, I was getting very tired and I couldn't keep up. I was pretty high up already and I was so close to the top.

But I just sat down and took a break. "Y/N~? Are you coming?" Venti asked wondering if I was there. He saw me sitting by a tree, and came down to see if I was alright. "Heyyyyyy Y/N~~~ you ok???" He asked as he sat beside me and put his arm around me.

"Are you upset that I ahem... cheated?" He asked. I looked at him with sweat all over my head. "I'm exhausted pheeaWwwEwWwEee" I said. He sighed and picked me up and took me to the top of the mountain.

"Mmm the sun's already starting to set" Venti said. I looked up and he was right, I guess we spent a lot of time going up the mountain. The sky was orange, the clouds were pink and the sun was going down.

"Cmon Y/N, sit beside me and let's watch the sun set together." Venti said. I made my way over to him and say beside him. He scooted closer to me and put his arm around me, I did the same. We watched as the sun went down, Venti's eyes sparkled.

"Everything seems to be more beautiful when I'm with you Y/N." Venti said. I had no words, how do I respond? I asked myself. "Eh-heh um... thank you?" I responded.

Venti just giggled and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I blushed and turned back towards the direction of the sun. We just continued to watch the sun set.

After a while, it was time to head back to the campsite. We rolled down the mountain because why not we thought it was fun but it was actually a very bad idea and we ended up hurting our backs. We walked back to the campsite and made s'mores.

"Mmm-MMm- MmMmMmMmHHhHh, THe fLaVOuRs aRe mELtInG ON MY tOnGuE~~~" Venti said. I looked at him with a bruh face and continued eating my s'mores. We looked up at the stars for a while and we went inside the tent.

I bundled myself up in a blanket, it was so cold. "Ehe, you cold Y/N?" Venti asked. I have a small nod, he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. "Let me keep you warm tonight Y/N." He whispered, he gave me one last kiss for the night and we both dozed off to sleep.

GEOAKAHDODOEIW I DID IT. First lil story of 2022!!!! Oh meh gawd u guys are so sweet, I worked extra hard on this one cuz u guys deserve it~~. I hope you enjoyed it! Ily all sm Istg ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Goddamn 1022 words :0

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