venti x reader |7| amusement park

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I went to bed incredibly late last night, I'm super glad it's the weekend. I don't have to wake up early toda- "Y/N Y/NNNN! WAKKKEEE UUPPPPPPPPPPP!" I screamed and sat up faster than the speed of light. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT FROM ME HOLY LYRE DER HIMMEL." I yelled.

Venti was the one who woke me up, he had a very excited look on his face. This means he wanted to do stuff where you have to actually move today. "Eheheh- sorry that was a little too much..." He chuckled, his fingers then began to gently brush through my hair. I grab his wrist firmly and move it away from me. I really wanted to sleep in more, and him waking me up just like that just ruined it.

"Jeez, ok, ok, I'm sorrrryyyyyyy!" Venti apologized and sat back a bit more. "I just received news that this amusement park is opening!! Can we gooooo pleaaaaase?" He put his phone screen directly in front of my eyes.

I moved back a bit so I could read what was on the screen. I read through it, scratching the back of my head wondering if we should go today.

Venti was giving me puppy eyes, his legs in a « W » position and his hands in front of him to make him look cute. "Aaaaargh fiiiine!" I yelled, looking away with crossed arms. Venti squealed and bounced. His hands shaking with excitement.

We both got out of bed and I began making breakfast, I made something quick because Venti looked like he couldn't be patient today. He quickly snatched the piece of toast from my hand and put it in his mouth, then ran for the car and sat in the drivers seat. I just followed him, hoping that he wouldn't start whining if we didn't get there as early as he wanted.


We finally arrived, Venti quickly unbuckled himself and ran towards the park. I ran after him with our backpacks. "Hey! I'll take 2 tickets pleaaaase!" Venti asked the man working at the park. The man kindly gave him the tickets, Venti then grabbed my hand and started running towards the Ferris wheel. We finally got there.

I was panting a lot because we've been running for so long. "Ahhhh sorry Y/N... I just can't contain myself today Eheh." Venti scratched behind his head. "Well duh Venti." I responded finally catching my breath. "So, this is what you came here for?" I asked. "Oh no not just the Ferris wheel, look at all the other cool rides over there too!" He pointed towards the other rides.

We got onto the Ferris wheel, I sat down on one side and Venti sat down on the other. The Ferris wheel began to move. I thought it wasn't so bad I was very confident that this time I wouldn't poop my pants when we were at the top , until we got higher and higher...

I began to get more nervous. Eventually we reached the top, I got close to Venti with my eyes shut, hugging him tight. "Jeez Y/N, chillax it's not like you're just gonna somehow fall off." I gave him an upset look, he just looked at me with a bruh face.

After some time we got off the Ferris wheel, I ran off and sat on the ground. "Ground sweet ground" I said. Venti just stood there, giving me another bruh look.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a balloon game. There was this huge doughnut pillow. I. Wanted. It. Venti looked to see what I was looking at. I got off the ground, dusted off my pants and put on my uwu cute person face.

"Venti~ can we pweaaaase pway the bawoon gawme? Pweaaaase?" I said with a discord kitten UwU voice. He giggled a little bit then gave me another bruh look.

"Alright, alright fiiiiineeee~~~". I jumped up and down and then said "UwU~ thank youuu I wuvvv youuuu." With my UwU discord kitten voice or whatever.

I paid for the balloon game, the person gave me darts. I aimed for the balloons, but since I sucked at literally everything I missed every single one. I let out a sigh and gave Venti another UwU face. "Ventiii~ can you pweaseeee hewwppp me pop the bawwoooons for the piwwwooowww??."

Venti sighed, looked at me with YESS ANOTHER BRUHHH FACECECECE. Venti, being the pro gamer he is picked up the darts and yeeted them at the balloons. And according to the person working there he got a high score or whatever and soooooo he got the doughnut pillow thing I'll never use in my entire life :D.

We both walked away with the prize, Venti was looking around for one last thing to do before we go because it was getting pretty late. He saw a big ass rollercoaster that looked scary as heckkkkk.

"Y/N!!!!! THAT ONEEEE!" He shouted into my ear. "Holy lyre der himmel Venti you're gonna make me go deaf, I can hear you." I let out a sigh and followed him to the roller coaster. We both got on. The guy helped us put the seat belts in so we don't get yeeted into the clouds.

The ride started, Venti had a smile of excitement in his face. But his expression began to change the moment we began going up. His eyes got wider, his smile slowly disappeared and his jaw dropped. "Drat." He said. The rollercoaster went down at a very high speed.

Venti screamed and yelled "HOLY LYRE DER HIMMEL OH BARBATOS PLEASE HELP ME?:-)/&/9/)3-@):8;&;$39.  WAIT I AM BARBATOS." I couldn't help but laugh my butt off, he looked at me with teary eyes. "IT'S NOT FUNNYYYY." He shouted at me. I continued to laugh my butt off for the rest of the ride because like why would I not :D.

The ride eventually ended. Venti looked traumatized. His eyes were wide open, his jaw had dropped, and tears were rolling down his face.

"Eheh... you okay Venti...?" I asked with an awkward smile. He suddenly put his hand over his mouth, shut his eyes. His other hand was putting pressure on his stomach. "Oh no Venti-." I said rushing to unbuckle him so we can find a garbage can quickly.

I finally managed to unbuckle him, he ran off the ride and ran to the closest garbage can and.... Ahem... yup. I quickly unbuckled myself and ran to him. I began patting his back as he.... :>>>>. "Don't get mad at me it was your idea." I said with a little giggle. "Are you okay though?" I gave him a worried look. "Can we go home? I did a bad." Venti said.

We began walking to the car, and since Venti was obviously not well enough to drive, I took the wheel and headed home.

We finally got home, Venti threw himself onto the bed. "Hmmm, so even gods get sick?" I asked. "This. This is different." He replied. I left to get him some water, then came back and sat on the edge of the bed. He began to feel a bit better but I don't think he's planning to go on a ride like that ever again.

So I was doing good for like the first 2 seconds of typing..... Then my 3 AM thinking kicked in and so a ton of swearing happened :>.I unswearified it after tho Lel idk how the heck ur still reading this stuff but ILYYYY. Also um C1 Qiqi happened like wtf. On thé standard banner. Dissapointment. BUT AYEE GOT GOROU IN A SINGLE PULLLL


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