'Cause There We Are Again When I Loved You So

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*Nine Months Later*
*Chris's POV*

I was anxiously waiting for Phoenix to bring Phoebe by for her first weekend visit since they moved to Boston. I had made sure to clear my schedule for this weekend and the next few. I was so excited to show my daughter all of my favorite spots around the city.

A knock on the door caused Dodger to go off and I had to stop myself from running to answer it. "Hey Pheebs." I say when she runs and jumps into my arms.

"Hi Daddy."

"Where's your mom?"

"Busy carrying her bags in." I hear Phoenix say as she walks through the door. "Hi Chris," she says as she places the bags onto the floor. I place Phoebe back onto the floor before going and offering Phoenix a hug.

*Phoenix's POV*

I leaned into the hug a little longer than necessary. It was moments like these that made me realize how much I missed him. "Hey Phoenix." I hear him whisper in my ear.

We awkwardly pull apart, both of us blushing. "Hey, so if it's not too much to ask, can we do switch off on Monday? I got a call on the way here and have to go to New York for the weekend, some meeting with my publisher. I'll be back on Monday but not before school in the morning."

"Yeah. That's fine. What's going on?"

"I'm not sure and it's really freaking me out. But they didn't sound too upset so hopefully this is all good news."

I watch him for a few moments, almost like he was contemplating if he should say whatever was on his mind. "Well I'm here if you need to talk at all about anything this weekend." He says, not making eye contact, choosing instead to watch our daughter play with Dodger.

I smile at him. "Thanks Chris. I'll let you know how it goes."

*Monday Evening*

I was exhausted when I pulled up to Chris's house after the weekend away. It turned out the meetings weren't bad but there was a lot in the two days I was gone and I was ready to be back in my own bed, in my own house.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. The train was late getting to the city, something about storms in the area." I say when Chris opens the door. "And then of course my phone died and I apparently forgot my charger at the hotel and no one around me had theirs, so I couldn't call. I'm so sorry." I say quickly.

"Hey, you're ok." He says, pulling me into a hug. I wasn't sure when we had gone back to being huggers but I found more comfort in his embrace than I have in years. God I wanted to hate that but I couldn't. It seemed after all this time, I still loved him. Shit! "How'd your meeting go?"

I take a deep breath. "It went well. Sales are through the roof and we've been approached by some studios that want to make it into a movie. So I've been tasked with turning it into a screenplay."

"That's amazing though Phee! Congratulations!"

"Thank you."

"Let's celebrate." He says, pulling out a bottle of wine.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I ask with a smile.

"What could possibly go wrong?" What could possibly go wrong indeed?

All Too Well (Phoenix's Version) ✓Where stories live. Discover now