Wind in My Hair, I Was There

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It was a week later and I had finally agreed to let Chris meet Phoebe. "Do you understand who's coming today?" I ask her as we get her dressed.

"Yes Mommy. You said my daddy is coming today."

"Ok. Do you have any questions?"

"Why did it take him so long? Didn't he want me?" Fuck! She's 5. She shouldn't be asking these questions. I didn't even want to ask these questions.

"He didn't know about you baby."

"Why?" Again, fuck! I thought we were past the thousand question stage.

"Because we weren't together by the time you came along."



"Yes Mama?"

"Enough questions. Let's get downstairs and eat before he gets here." She sighs before leading me out of her room and downstairs to eat.


After eating her pancakes, plain, no syrup no butter, Phoebe spent the next 15 minutes running around the house. "You need to breathe. You're going to make yourself pass out." I say. God, Chris, do not disappoint this sweet angel or I'll rip your dick off and feed it to you. I hear a car pull up the drive and go to the window, watching as he gets out.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door. "I take it you didn't have any problems finding the house?"

"Nope." He says, looking past me as my little girl runs up and hugs the back of my legs.

"Seriously? You couldn't wait for him to get here but now you want to act all shy?" She nods against my legs. "Chris, this is Phoebe. Phoebe, this is your daddy." I tell her gently.

I watch as Chris kneels down to be on eye level with her. "It's very nice to meet you Phoebe." He says quietly, offering her his hand. She giggles before throwing her arms around him, bear hugging him.

"Hi Daddy." She whispers into his neck.


I watch over the next few hours as Phoebe gives Chris her entire history, or at least what she can remember, and shows him every baby book I put together of her. I thoroughly documented the first 4 years of her life and was working on number 5. So he at least was getting a pretty good idea of what her life was like up to this point.

I stop them at noon for lunch. "Are you hungry? I'm sure I have something not kid related in here that I could make you." I ask him as I sort through the pantry.

"Hey, I like mac-and-cheese as much as the next kid." He says, laughing.

"If you're sure." I say, laughing back. After lunch, Phoebe takes him outside to show him her play set and the life-sized wooden castle that Gramps got her.

"So who exactly is Gramps?" He asks me as we sit in the chairs I have out on the deck and watch her play.

I sigh. "Promise you won't get mad?"

"That good huh? You're not going to tell me my dad knew, are ya?"

"No, he doesn't. At least, not to my knowledge. If Scott told him, he didn't tell me. But in answer to your question, Downey."

"Downey? Downey knew I had a kid and didn't tell me?"

"Can you blame him? He was there the day after Halloween. He was just as pissed off as my dad. Honestly, I'm surprised you've lasted as long as you have. The way the two of them were going on about it, I was almost afraid I was going to have to bail them out of jail."

He sighs. "I guess I deserve that."

I sit back in my chair. "So, what do you think of her?" I ask, looking out at Phoebe as she runs around, the made up game in her head causing her actions to be over the top.

"She's amazing Phoenix. I just wish I had gotten to meet her sooner."

"I know, and I'm sorry about that. I thought I was protecting her from getting hurt, like I was." I say in a small voice.

"I deserve that too. But I'm here now, and I want to be in her life."

"Ok." I agree. "Let's start with some day visits. I trust you with her so it doesn't always have to be here at the house. Once I know you're not going to dip, we can figure out an overnight schedule."

"Would you ever consider moving to Boston?"

"I don't know Chris. I guess I'd have to know there's a good enough reason. But we can discuss that at a later date."

Chris leaves a couple of hours later, after we've had dinner altogether and he's helped me carry Phoebe up to bed. "Thank you, for today." I say as I walk him downstairs and outside to his car.

"It should be me thanking you. You didn't have to give me a chance."

"Yes I did. You're her father, even if that thought has pissed me off on more than one occasion over the last 5 years."

"I guess I'll call you tomorrow to set up another visit?" He says, leaning against the driver's side door.

"Sounds good."

"Would it be weird if I wanted to hug you?" He asks, looking down at the ground.

"I don't think we're there yet." I say, also not meeting his eyes.

"Guess that's fair. I want to repair our relationship too, Phoenix. Not to date, but as friends. She deserves that much, doesn't she?"

"Low blow Evans, using our kid against me. But you're right. It's just going to take some time."

"Can't really expect more than that, given our history." He says before getting in his car. "Have a good night Phoenix."

"You too Evans." I say with a small smile, watching until his car disappears over the hill.

*Chris's POV*

I make it back to the hotel and Cindi is still up, waiting for me. "Where were you all day Chrissy?" Had her voice always been this annoying?

"I told you last night that today I was going to meet my daughter."

"I thought you were kidding. You told me you didn't want kids."

"Well, can't change it now. She's here and I'm a dad."

"I'm just saying are you sure she's even yours? Phoenix Rudd has always been close with Sebastian, maybe it's his and she's lying to trap you."

"Do you really think I'm that dense? That little girl is a carbon copy of me. There's no doubt." She starts whining. Dear fucking god. "Ok, either stop making that noise or find someplace else to sleep tonight." She huffs before grabbing her shit and slamming the door on the way out. I knew I was going to have to apologize but for now, I was just glad I would have a night of peace.

All Too Well (Phoenix's Version) ✓Where stories live. Discover now