I Can Picture It After All These Days

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"Thank you, for agreeing to speak with me." Chris says as we sit opposite each other, staring awkwardly at our coffee cups.

"Couldn't really avoid it. The cat's outta that bag."

"So we have a daughter."

"We have a daughter." I confirm, nodding.

"When did you find out?"

"Thanksgiving. After we broke up."

"And you didn't think I should know?"

I sigh. "At first I was still angry. And then you were all over... her... and I wasn't about to subject myself to that."

"Ok but I wasn't with Lily forever. Why didn't you try to tell me after that?"

"I did. I called you the night I went into labor and you sent me straight to voicemail."

"I never got your call."

"Chris, I swear I tried to call you. And then Seb called you but you were busy."

"Seb didn't say you were in labor with my baby."

"You're right, he didn't. Because I didn't want you there out of some noble obligation you felt you had."

"Wait, back up a minute. Seb called me the night before my birthday. Does that mean...?"

"Yes. You and her share a birthday."

"Lily had my phone that night. I swear, if I had seen that it was you calling, I would have picked up."

I contemplate this for a moment. "Well, there's nothing that can be done about it now. It's in the past."

"Yeah, five years it seems."

"You can be mad all you want. I had to do what I thought was best."

"And what do you think is best now Phoenix?"

"Well, obviously I can't expect you to not want to see her." He nods. "We'll have to arrange some type of introduction. But I need you to swear that you're in this for her Chris. You can't dip out when things get too difficult."

"You really think so low of me?"

"Are you kidding me? Need I remind you the reason we broke up to begin with?" He falls silent. "Didn't think so. If you want to meet her that's fine but it's on my own terms. I'll be in contact. I assume the number is still the same?" He nods and I nod back before leaving.

*Chris's POV*

I make it back to the apartment and Cindi is nowhere to be found. Oh well, that's probably for the best right now anyway. Scott was there though. "I have a kid." I say as I flop down on the couch next to him.

"You have a daughter, to be exact." He says, not looking up from his phone.

I narrow my eyes at him, confused. "Why aren't you more shocked about this?"

"Because I already knew." And then realizing what he said he looks up at me, eyes wide in fear.


"Nothing." He says quickly before trying to leave the room. I chase him down though and drag him back.

"What do you mean you already knew?"

He sighs. "I saw her in LA back in like February of that year. I hugged her and kind of felt the bump. She made me swear not to tell you Chris and I figured that she needed someone from your family there."

"So you decided that I didn't deserve to be a part of my daughter's life? What the hell Scott?"

"You can't really blame anyone but yourself for this Chris. If you would've thought with your brain and not your dick, you wouldn't be in this position right now. But you did and here we are. Yeah, you might have missed things. But you're here now. Make the most of it." Scott says before leaving, and this time I let him.

All Too Well (Phoenix's Version) ✓Where stories live. Discover now