F*ck the Patriarchy Keychain on the Ground

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I woke up my alarm going off. 9 am. I groaned. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. There were some missed texts from friends back home and also one from Chris.

I'm so sorry to have to do this,
but something came up and I'm
going to have to reschedule our date.

That's ok. If you're free tonight,
meet me at the back entrance at
midnight. There's someplace I want
to take you.

I should be free by midnight.
See you then- x

Did he mean to send that? Does he know what that means? Do I know what it means? Am I reading way too much into this? Dad's off doing some other interview thing already and I have to say, I've never been happier for his PA. At least I didn't have to wrangle him out of bed this morning with that killer hangover.

I milled about the suite for the day, only venturing out when the front desk called to tell me my Postmates order had been delivered. I was bored to tears by the time my dad came back. "Have you moved around at all today?" He asks, laughing as he sits down with me.

"I'll have you know I went to the lobby and back... But no, not really."

"Well what are your plans tonight?"

"I might hit up the pool. The front desk said they have our keycards after hours access to avoid a media frenzy. What about you?"

"I'm probably going to turn in after dinner. I'm still tired from last night."

I laugh. "It was certainly something."

"I didn't ask but who did get me up here?"

"Doug... And Chris." I added the last part quietly.

"Evans helped you get me up here?"

"No, Evans helped Doug get you up here. I was merely here to supervise. And nothing happened. He helped get you to your room and then I thanked him and walked him out." I wasn't thrilled that I was lying to him but some things couldn't be helped.

"Well that was nice of him."

"I think you might have had the wrong impression there. He was nothing but nice to me, and he didn't try anything."

Dad sighs but doesn't make any comments about it. We ate dinner together in our suite before he went to his room and I heard the door lock behind him.

I decided to at least keep some of the truth in the story and so I went into my room and changed into the bikini I packed. I throw my hair up in a messy bun to keep it from getting wet, grab some clothes to change into and throw them in my bag before flipping the light off and leaving my room.

I knock on Dad's door, let him now I'm leaving and grab my purse with my emergency makeup and everything else I'll need for the night and head out the room.

I swim until 10, and then get out, going into the locker room attached to the pool. I rinse the chlorine off of my body before drying off and changing into the outfit I picked out for tonight.

After fixing my bun and applying some makeup I went to meet Chris at the back entrance. He was already there waiting for me. "You look beautiful." He says.

I blush a deep crimson. "Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself." I say before grabbing his hand and lead him to the little car that was tucked in the side of the building.

"This is yours?" He asks in awe as I walked over to the driver's side of the 2017 Porsche Boxster.

"Yeah. 21st birthday present from Dad and Julie." I explain. "Wanna drive?" I ask, holding up the car keys. He nods enthusiastically and I toss him the keys.

He fumbles them and they fall to the ground. As he picks them up, he inspects them, laughing at the keychain hanging down. "Fuck the Patriarchy?"

"Are you going to have a problem with it?" I ask.

"No. Not at all." He says, holding up his hands in a sign of surrender.

"Then let's go." I say and get in the passenger's side. He gets in and turns the car on.

"So where are we going?" He asks.

"My favorite place in the whole city. Turn left at the next light." I say.

"You won't even give me a hint?"

"Nope." I say, popping the p. "Turn right at the second light and then at the first stop sign turn right and go into the parking lot."

He follows my directions and hesitantly pulls into a spot. "Where are we?" He asks.

"The Burning Candle. It's a 24 hour bookstore and café. This is where I spend most of my time when I'm here. There's hardly anybody here after midnight so you won't have to worry about being recognized."

"This is awesome. Thank you." He says, before reaching for my hand. I smile and take it, leading him inside.

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