The Air Was Cold

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I step out of the car that was available to my dad and I to use while we're on the press tour, butterflies suddenly erupting in my stomach. Was I seriously doing this? He's Chris Evans. He could have any girl he wants. So why was he choosing me. I was about to get back in the car when I felt a hand close around my arm.

"Where are you going?" Chris asks, turning me around. "I thought you said you were coming to hang out?"

"I'm not sure I can do this."

"Do what? It's just drinks. Your dad is even going to be there, so I hardly think this qualifies as anything more than you hanging out with his coworkers. Come on." He says, winking at me.

I melt a little and allow him to pull me into the bar. Everyone is there already, and I can see my dad has had probably one too many, he's even more rowdy than normal. "Phoenix Rudd, this is Sebastian Stan. He's in the movie, as you know, but he lives in New York and decided to join us tonight."

"It's nice to meet you Sebastian," I say, sticking out my hand. He takes it and presses a kiss on the back of my hand.

"You as well." He winks and I laugh.

"So how are you enjoying being on the press tour?" Chris asks me a little while later. We're at a high-top table off to the side, occasionally looking over if someone in the main group makes a loud noise.

"It's different then even his Ant-man ones. There's a lot of you and sometimes it gets a little overwhelming." He nods at this.

"I get that. Even after all these years, I still get super anxious about these things. There's so much you're not allowed to say." I watch him subconsciously wipe his palms on his jeans.

"This is your last one though, right? That's what everyone's saying online."

"So, you read about me online?" He asks with a smirk.

I stutter for a bit before I'm able to get out, "My username is PhoenixRudd, I get tagged in these things all the time. This time it just so happened to be you." I answer, looking down at the table to avoid meeting his gaze.

"You're really cute when you blush." He says with that trademark smirk of his. I laugh so hard I snort.

"Oh my gosh. I did not just do that." I say, going even redder if that is at all possible. Chris is practically howling as his hands come up and he grabs his left boob.

"Still think I'm cute?"

"I think you're even cuter now." Our conversation is interrupted by a loud crash and we look over to see that my dad has accidentally knocked over a bunch of shot glasses and beer bottles in his current state.

"Crap, I should handle that and get him back. He's not normally like this, I think he's just excited and nervous about the whole thing." I say as I go to get off the stool, slightly stumbling. Before I could fall though, Chris was there with an arm around me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asks, smiling.

"Yeah. I just have a balance and gravity problem." I answer laughing.

"You should probably get that looked at." He laughs.


Chris walks over with me to get Dad. "Hey Dad. I think I'm ready to go. Can you come back with me?"

"Sure..." he slightly slurs, causing us all to laugh.

"Let me help you get him back to the hotel." Chris offered.

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I'd hate for you to cut your night short because of us."

"It's no problem. Plus how are you going to get him up to your room?" He asks, raising that damn brow of his.

"True. Thank you." I say as we guide Dad to the door. Once we're outside, Chris sits him down on a bench. "Let me to call our driver." I say before taking a couple of steps down the block. "Hey, yeah. We're ready to go... Thank you so much, Doug."

I walk back over to them, seeing that Dad was now laying on the bench. "How much did he have to drink?"

"Would you believe me if I said a beer and only 2 shots of tequila?"

I laugh so hard at this. "Yes... He doesn't drink all that often so he holds his liquor about as good as a sorority girl. Doug will be here in like 15 minutes."

He nods and we fall into silence. I start to shiver in the cold night air, frowning because I was stupid and forgot a jacket. "Cold?" Chris asks

"Just a little." I admit. I watch as he shrugs off the bomber jacket he's wearing and places it around my shoulders. "Thank you." I say softly, looking at the ground.

"You're welcome," he replies just as Doug pulls up.

"Ready to go, Miss Rudd?" He asks as he opens the back door.

"I'm not sure about that, but he definitely was," I say, pointing at Dad who's being helped into the back seat by Chris. I get in next and Chris slides in beside me, our knees touching.

We get back to the hotel and with the help of both Chris and Doug, we manage to get Dad up to the room and in bed. "I'll deal with him in a bit. Thank you for everything Doug. You're good to go for the night." I say with a smile. He bids us both good night before leaving, the door clicking shut behind him.

I'm alone in the living room of the suite with Chris. "Thank you again for all your help." I say as we walk towards the door.

"It's not a problem." He smiles. "Listen, can I take you out for lunch tomorrow?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Paps are everywhere and they all know you're in town."

"You leave that to me. Will you come?"

I smile at him. "What time? And what should I wear?"

"12:30? And something casual."

"Ok. Text me and I'll meet you at the back entrance. Dad can't know about this."

He smirks. "And why not?"

"He seems to think you're bad news."

"And what do you think?"

"I think that I should be able to find that out for myself." I say with a small smile.

"Then I will see you tomorrow at 12:30, at the back entrance." He says before kissing me on the cheek. "Good night Phoenix."

"Night, Chris." I say as I shut the door behind him. I was hooked, line and sinker.

All Too Well (Phoenix's Version) ✓Where stories live. Discover now