But He Watched Me Watch the Front Door All Night

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Summer gave way to fall and soon it was time for Sebastian's annual Halloween party. Every year he rented out a huge ballroom in Manhattan and threw the most over-the-top costume party. Chris and I would be attending as Belle and her prince, in human form. I was so excited as this would be the year I actually had someone to go with me. We agreed to meet at the party and walk in together and I had already been there for 15 minutes.

"Phee, you coming in or not?" Seb asks after I had been out there for 30 minutes. I look up at him, trying to hide the tears that were welling up. "Is he not here yet?"

"No. He hasn't even texted me. He never doesn't text Seb." I say.

"Hey, don't think about it. His phone is probably dead and he's on his way over now. Come inside, grab a drink and I'm sure he'll be here in no time."

*Seb's POV*

I watch as Phoenix disappears inside before pulling my own phone out and dialing Chris. It rang and rang until it went to voicemail. "Listen man, I don't know where the hell you are. But your girl is crying thinking you stood her up. Call her you fucking asshole." I say before hanging up and walking inside, determined to not let my friend down anymore than she'd already been tonight.

*Phoenix's POV*

I try and have a good time, I really do. I laugh and drink and dance and try not to watch the door. But every time it opens I get excited, thinking it'll finally be him. And every time I feel my heart break a little more when it's not. I don't realize just how much I'm drinking until it's time to go home. Seb helps me out to a car he's hired but I hold onto him tightly. "Why didn't he show up Seb? Why didn't he at least call to tell me he couldn't make it?" I'm sniffling and can hardly breathe from the clogged nose that goes along with crying harshly. "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything wrong Phee. I'm sure Chris has a perfectly good reason for not being here tonight. Let's get you home."

"No! I don't want to be alone. He isn't here and I can't be alone right now."

"Ok, Phee. Let me pay the caterers and we can go back to my place." He leaves me in the car and I slump against the window, looking out at the city. Fall had settled in and I hated myself for not remembering a jacket. Before I could get too cold though, Seb was there again, and we were off, back to his place.

We arrive and when it's evident I'm too drunk to walk, he carries me through the lobby and into the elevator. "Don't tell Chris I'm spending the night. I don't want to upset him." I whisper against his neck as I cling to him.

"You don't need to worry about that right now. Try focus on not throwing up on me."

"Oh god!" I exclaim as I feel myself gag. "Why'd you have to bring it up? I wasn't feeling anything before then."

"Because this suit is on loan and I don't want to have to explain to them why a super drunk girl threw up all over it. You wouldn't want me airing your dirty laundry, would you?" He says, laughing.

"Fuck you Seb." I say as he steps out of the elevator and down the hall to his door. He adjusts me for a moment while he fishes out his key and lets us inside.

He takes me to the guest room and helps me get the dress and heels off. He gives me a he shirt of his to wear and it fits me like a dress. I pull the pins out of my hair and grab the makeup wipes out of the drawer by the bed where I left them the last time I stayed over. "You're strangely aware for a drunk girl."

"I think I sobered up slightly. Stay in here with me tonight?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea Phee."

"I'm not asking you to fuck me Seb," I say, rolling my eyes. "I'm asking to not be alone on the night my dumbass boyfriend stood me up." He sighs before joining me on the bed and I fall asleep on his chest, not knowing how bad my world is going to turn tomorrow.

All Too Well (Phoenix's Version) ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora