'Cause There We Are Again in the Middle of the Night

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*June 12, 2020*

I had decided to spend my last trimester up at my dad's. Mom had done this twice before and the closer we got to my due date, the more I was starting to freak out. I was sitting at home on a Friday night, alone as everyone was out doing there own things. Mom and Dad were on a date and the rugrats were at their friends houses. I was watching Not Another Teen Movie. It was on and funny and the only time this kids seemed to calm down these days was when I was playing something with her dad's voice in it, which was doing my hormones absolutely no favors.

I wince again. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions all day and they'd gotten progressively worse as the night went on. At around 11pm I feel a gush of water flood out between my legs. "Shit..." I whisper, although no one is here. I try calling my parents and neither one pick up. "Come on, come on." I try them one more time before I get desperate enough to call him. But his phone goes straight to voicemail too.

I start to panic. "Ok, Seb. Please don't let me down." I beg as I try him.


"Seb! Thank god you answered! Where are you right now?"

"Like 15 minutes away. We made plans tonight, remember? I'm sorry I'm late. We didn't cut today when I thought we would. Is everything ok?"

"Umm, define ok?"

"What's wrong Phee?"

"I may or may not be in labor."

"What do you mean, may or may not be?"

"I don't know what I'm doing! It's not like I've done this before. Can you please just get here? I'm alone and can't get myself to the hospital."

"I'm turning up the driveway now."

"Seb, you didn't have to speed."

"Dummy, you're in labor. Of course I'm gonna speed." He hurries inside and after helping me out of my chair and grabbing my hospital bag, we leave in a hurry.


"Can you try calling him?" I ask Seb as I'm laying in the hospital bed, waiting to progress further.

"Are you sure you want me to do that?"

"Seb, I need him here. I thought I didn't but the time has come and I need him." I'm crying again. He pulls his phone out and dials Chris's number. He picks up after the second ring and Seb puts it on speaker.

"Hey man! What's up?"

"Not much. Hey where are you tonight? I know you had said about maybe being in New York and I was wondering if we could get together."

"I'd love to man but I'm out tonight with Lily. Can we meet up tomorrow?" I can't see clearly from the tears falling down my face.

"Something just came up actually. My agent just sent me an email about last minute pick up shooting. Sorry man, next time."

"It's all good man. Talk to you later." Chris says before hanging up.

"I'm sorry Phee." He says, taking in my tear stain cheeks.

"It's fine. I didn't really expect him to show up. He's not a prince coming to rescue me from the tower." I say. Before Seb could respond however, my parents show up.

"I'm here! It's fine!" I hear my dad yell as he skids to a halt in front of the hospital bed. Seb had been able to get through to him.

*12 hours later*
June 13, 2020

"She's beautiful Phoenix." Dad says as he hold his granddaughter for the first time. Labor was a bitch and any woman who calls it the most meaningful experience of their lives is full of shit.

"Thanks Daddy." My eyelids are drooping as my parents pass the baby around. Soon we're joined by Seb and... "Scott, hey. I wasn't expecting to see you here." I say.

"My niece was just born. Where else would I be?" He smiles before taking the baby from my dad and holding her. One by one, my family leaves the room to give us some time, until it's just me, Scott and the baby.

"Does he know where you are?" I ask softly, not taking my eyes off my daughter.

"No. But he is in New York. You could call him."

"I tried last night. He sent me to voicemail. And then Seb tried and he got him and he was out with her..." I say, trying not to cry. "I think it's time for me to realize that it's truly over and that I'll be doing this parenting thing on my own." Scott just looks down, not wanting to comment.

"Where is she?! Where's my granddaughter?!" We hear from the hallway.

"Is that?" Scott asks.

"Yep. And he said he didn't want to be called Gramps." I laugh, shaking my head. Downey and Susan enter my room and he immediately zeroes in on the baby, carefully taking her from Scott. "Don't leave just yet." I tell him. "How did you guys get here so quickly?"

"Oh, we were already in New York." Susan says as she inspects the baby. "Your dad called us to let us know it had happened."

"So does the pint-sized Avenger in the making have a name?" Downey asks.

"Umm, yeah. We're just waiting on someone else to get here." I say before Aunt Lisa walks in with Dad and Mom. "Ok, now that everyone is here. I'd like to formally introduce you to Phoebe Nicole Evans." Aunt Lisa tears up a bit.

"Evans?" Everyone asked.

"She's his whether he wants to claim her or not. I'm taking a step back from the public. I owe it to her to give her a childhood away from the tabloids and paps. No one will know her last name yet. Not until he does."

"It's kind of hard to hide a living, breathing person." Dad says. "What are you going to do if someone sees her?"

"That's what lawyers are for." I say with finality. No one argues with me.

"Well, welcome to the world Phoebe Evans." Downey says.

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