Part 1 - A Bold Step

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I hate the way Birla's are behaving with her. Seriously? They are trying to change her and want her to do everything how they wish to.

Hey! You have married your son to a human, not a robot that will work how you want. Disgusting!

Today's promo was disgusting! The way they are behaving was disgusting. I hope Akshu takes a stand for herself. They can't do whatever the hell they want.

Akshu seriously needs to take a stand for herself.

Think this is happening before Mehendi.

Akshara felt like the ground shaking beneath her. She felt like someone threw a bucket of cold water at her.

"You have to decide. Your marriage without Aarohi or your whole life without me. It's up to you." Abhimanyu said emotionlessly.

He knew it was hurting Akshara but he was blinded by the rage and hatred for Aarohi that he forget that he is hurting Akshara. His Akshu.

Akshara looked at Abhi with tears in her eyes. She pleaded with her eyes to him, hoping he would understand her dilemma.
Hoping that he would let this go just one last time. Hoping that this all is a dream.

Abhimanyu didn't meet her teary eyes and ignored her pleading stares. He clenched his fist tightly. Tears threatened to fall in his eyes and immediately the goggle was on his eyes, preventing his tears of pain and guilt.

Akshara fell to her knees not being able to think or do anything. She doesn't know what to do. Abhimanyu looked at her in shock, almost going to help her stand up and let this go but suddenly Akshara denying his love for Aarohi and Manjiri's accident came into his mind, making him freeze to his place. He wanted to go but couldn't.

People usually battle between their hearts and minds. The heart tells them other things and the mind tells the other, making them confused about what to choose. But in Akshara's case, it was not like this. There was a battle in her heart only. Her love for her sister, Aaru told her to choose her sister but her love for Abhi told her to choose her Abhi.

She was confused about whom to choose. If she chooses Abhi, her sister will hate her more or worse she will never meet her. If she chooses Aaru, her Abhi would leave her forever. She can't live without him and she can't even live without her sister either.

Think, Akshara what to do?

Her inner voice was in dilemma also.

Choose Abhi.

No, Choose Aaru, your sister.

No, no. Choose Abhi, he loves you so much.

No, no. Choose Aaru, you love her so much.





Should she choose the person who loves her very much, whom she has hurt very much already? Or, she should choose the person whom she loves, who has hurt her very much?

Of course, Abhi.

No, Aaru. You promised Sirat Ma.

No, Abhi. He will be heartbroken.

Choose Aaru, the person you love so much.

Choose Abhi, the person who loves you so much.


No, Aaru.

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