Part 2 - The Best Gift

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Aarohi has never felt that she was wrong. Even if she did she wouldn't let herself feel guilty because of it and to escape that inner voice that taunts her she would choose the easy way out, she would blame it on someone else. That someone else would be Akshu who is ready to do everything for her.

She realises this now. Her Nani and her Badepapa played a major role in her being bad but it was her mistake also and she needs to accept this. Mistakes happen and anyone can do it but what is more important is to learn from these mistakes and never repeat them again. This is what she is going to do.

There is always a little jealousy and competition between siblings but not to this extent. In her insecurity, she sent Akshu away from home and family which was her even before she was born. It was not Akshu's mistake that she was praised. She should be happy that her sister is loved by everyone. Even when everyone loves Akshu, Akshu loves her.

Aarohi today saw a bad dream that something happen to Akshu and she is not opening her eyes. She couldn't see her sister like this and that dream made her realise her sister's importance. She has already lost her mother, she can't lose Akshu now. She has already lost her to some extent but she would try everything in her power to make their bond better. Till now Akshu was the only one trying now she will also try.

But how to? She doesn't know how to apologise and that made her panic.

What can she do for her? Akshu would forgive her instantly but she shouldn't take it for granted and she needs to do something for her.

But what? How does Akshu know what to do to make someone happy and forgive them? She was not even able to think. This is such a task and she needs to think too much.


"Aaruuu!" Akshara shouted in the dark living room. She was surprised to find no one in the house and there was dark everywhere.

Akshara panicked a little.

Before she could panic more, the lights were turned on and everyone brusted a party popper. The living room was decorated a little and there were pictures of Akshu and Aaru and everyone.

Aarohi was not here again and Akshara's smile faded.

"Attention, Attention Everybody," Aarohi shouted while standing on top of the table in the living room.

"So, today Akshu came home and I wanted all of us to celebrate this. I hope you like whatever I will do, especially Akshu." Aarohi said nervously. She has never done something like this.

Akshara smiled widely.

"I will like whatever you do, Aaru," Akshara said excitedly and her smile eased Aarohi's nervousness a little.

Jumping down from the table, Aarohi went towards the kitchen and came after some time with a cake. Akshara's favourite chocolate cake.

Akshara's mouth was wide open. Of course, it was her favourite.

In the middle of the cake, it was written in bold letters 'WELCOME HOME, AKSHU!'

"See, I tried to make a cake for you but it was a total disaster and I thought it was better to order a cake." Aarohi rubbed her nape of the neck while giving a nervous smile. Everyone laughed at her.

"It's okay," Akshara said assuring her.

"So, let's cut the cake first," Saying this, she gave the knife to Akshu but she pulled her also to cut the cake, for which Aarohi smiled shaking her head.

They fed each other first then everyone. Akshara was so happy that she jumped to hug Aarohi in excitement making both of them fall to the floor. Everyone laughed at that.

"Sorry, sorry," Akshara said helping her to stand after standing up herself.

"It's okay," Aarohi said nodding.

After everyone settled down, Aarohi stood up from her place nervously. Taking a deep breath she looked at Akshu who was smiling at her widely and it was again enough to make her nervousness go away.

"Akshu, I know I have behaved wrongly with you, now and then." Aarohi started but Akshara tried to say something in between.

"Please let me speak. I want to. It's the truth, anyways. So, I know I have behaved wrongly with you. I have done everything to hurt you. I won't justify why I did all of that. I know it was wrong and any justification can't make it good. " Aarohi looked at Akshara all of the time while speaking.

"I even sent you away from home. I blamed you for Sirat Mumma's Death. I'm sorry for everything I did to you intentionally or unintentionally. I'm happy to be number 2 because I can't be like you who forgives everyone every time. I can't be that forgiving. I have also realised this number 2 or number 1 is nothing, what matters the most is family, you, me." Aarohi had happy tears in her eyes while Akshara's face was the same.

"Sirat Mumma's Death was just an accident and I'm sorry for blaming it on you. You could never do that. You have never snatched anything from me. You were the one who gave me everything and I was the one who snatched everything." Aarohi said smiling at Akshara while Akshara shook her head denying her. Aarohi finally felt relief. She was at peace accepting all of this. It felt like a burden was off her chest.

"You are the best sister and mother figure, I could ever get. I am happy I was born after you because I'm getting so much love from my big sister. I know sorry is not enough but I hope you can forgive me." Aarohi said going towards Akshara to hug her.

"I don't know what to give you. So, I have this for you. I promise I will try to understand as you do. I will never hurt you again." Aarohi said giving a gift which was wrapped up in a pink wrap.

Akshara opened it and gasp. First, there was a sorry note in Aarohi's handwriting and then was a large collage of everyone. There were four pictures, one of them, was of Akshu and Aaru, the second one was of Sirat and Kartik, the third one was of Kartik and Naira, and the fourth one was of their whole family.

"I know how much your Naira Mumma and Sirat Mumma matter, so I brought a collage for you. I know family matters the most to you so I hope you liked it. And another reason is, how do you do all this? I couldn't even think of something to surprise you." Aarohi said frowning.

Akshara laughed at her and pulled her in a hug.

"I know you will say it's the best but seriously first time I feel that what I did is not the best," Aarohi said sadly.

"It's so awesome. The best gift." Akshara said excitedly.

She showed it to everyone and everyone praised Aarohi to which she smiled. Akshara was again praising her for such a small gesture. Aarohi Goenka made a promise to herself that day that from today she will think about her sister's happiness and will love her as she does because her sister is The Best.
And Aarohi Goenka never breaks her promise.

The first time, she didn't feel jealous because Akshu got all the attention. The first time she was not jealous or insecure because why should she be jealous of her own sister, now when she thinks about it, it's pretty childish.

Akshara hugged before she could think more and Aarohi danced and enjoyed herself with everyone. The whole Goenka Mansion was echoing with the laughter.

Elder Goenka's adored their children and hoped for them to be always together. Finally, the differences between Akshu and Aaru were sorted out and they celebrated it.


Thank you, everyone, for the suggestions and I will surely try not to disappoint you all. I hope you liked it.

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