Ding dong.

She's back already?

I just got here a few minutes ago.

Did she really finish up already? That was fast.

I went up to open the door when-

"Surprise." I was greeted by an asain lady with dyed brown golden-ish hair, maybe in her early 40s with 3 of her children behind her.

They looked familiar…

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I most have gotten the wrong unit." The lady then looked back at her oldest child. He had black hair a sharp jaw-line he didn't look full asain tho, just like Adeena and his two other siblings. "你确定这是 Adeena 住的地方吗?"
(Are you sure this is where Adeena lives?)

Did they just say Adeena?

"Yeah. 这是她去年发给群聊的地址。" The older boy scrolled through his phone.
(This is the address that she sent to the group chat last year.)

"Ma! This is where 姐姐住. She brought us here before." The younger girl with black hair said. She had rounder eyes but other than that she looked more like her mother.
(Sister lives)

"Erm, I'm sorry. Do you know if there's a girl called Adeena that lives around here?" The mother said. Wait isn't she the mother in the family photo and aren't they the siblings?

They are her family.

"Oh, are you Adeena's family? I'm her friend Oscar. Nice to meet you Mrs Williams." Oscar bowed a little.

"Oh Oscar… your name sounds familiar." Adeena's mother said while looking up into the sky as if trying to remember something.

"Oh! Weren't you the guy with her when I was video calling her. When she was in… Monaco!" Jake suddenly exclaimed. Oh yeah… he called Adeena when his mom was scolding him if I remembered correctly.

"Wait, aren't you Oscar from f2?" The younger brother said he had fluffy brown hair and brown eyes like his siblings but his were much lighter while the older brother had eyes that were almost black.

"Erm yeah. I'm just here to water her plants. You guys can come in. I'll text her that you guys are here. Then leave afterwards."

"Oh no need. We want to surprise her." The mother said. "And you should stay. I'm going to make some food. You can join us." I nodded awkwardly. If I said no I would feel a little rude so…

I went back to the balcony to water the rest of the plants.

Adeena is definitely going to be happy after seeing them.

I can't help but feel like she would be overwhelmed. Especially since she hasn't really got closure from her birth family. And she might be getting it today. She'll come home without time to process everything and then has to see her family.

I do remember her saying that when it comes to different shaping her families she calls one true and the other is her birth family.

I hope that she can take all this in one day…


"Oscar, my mom just finished making the tea. She told me to get you. " The older brother opened the door to the balcony a little.

"Okay, thanks." I said and made my way with him to the dining table.

"I'm jake by the way. Adeena's older youngest brother, I'm 17. And the best brother she could ever ask for." He then pointed to his younger brother. "And that's Jeraiah. Adeena's younger youngest brother, he's 9. He's really interested in cars and f1 so don't be overwhelmed if he starts to smack you with a lot of questions. He's a real extrovert just like most of our family. I think Adeena is the only one who's much more of an introvert but she's more of a loud introvert." We walked passed his younger sister who he carried. "And this is Mikayla. She's basically the princess of the family. She likes to scream like a rat AKA sing." He lowered his voice when he said the last part.

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