Twenty Eight : Wounded

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I wake up in a dark room. I open my eyes and I'm not in a hospital. I was sure that I would need to be in one. I am in Jaspers room on his bed.

I am wearing one of Jaspers clean, soft sweaters and a pair of his sweatpants. I am under the covers and all by myself. I look at my phone for the time. 2:00 am?!?! I groan and stuff my head into the pillow.

'Wait, what about the stab?'

I turn on my phone flashlight and I look under the sweater. There is a big white wrap around my torso. I touch the spot where I was stabbed and I wince in pain. I lay back down.

I close my eyes and I fall asleep. A few minutes later, I wake up drenched in sweat. I had a terrible nightmare. I run downstairs and I see Jasper. He looks at me and runs and gently hugs me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks.

"It-it hurts." I say. Jasper looks at me, I'm soaked in sweat, my hair is a mess, and my eyes are baggy.

Jasper picks me up and starts carrying me upstairs. I lay my head in n his shoulder and close my eyes. I try to fall asleep.

I feel Jasper take the sweaty sweater off and out one of his large t-shirts on me. It goes down to my knees. Jasper takes off the sweatpants and he puts us under the covers. I fall asleep.


In the morning, I wake up and cuddle with Jasper. Later, we head down to Carlisle's office for a new bandage.

I sit on in of the tables and Carlisle unwraps the bandage. I look down and I see flesh and blood. I close my eyes and look away. Carlisle wraps the a clean wrap around my stomach and Jasper and I head back to his room.

"Hey Cam, when should our wedding be?" Jasper asks as we both sit on the bed.

"I don't know." I say. "As long as I'm with you I'll be fine."

Alice runs in. "I already planned some of it. It will be in April." Alice says. "Indoors, I just need your approval to reserve the place for on the dates I have planned."

"Wow Alice. You have a lot planned already." I say.

"I have almost everything planned. I just need a color scheme, cake, dress, and a invitation list." Alice says. "I want to leave those up to you."

"Alice, you're amazing." I say. "Can I look at the things you have planned already?" I ask.

"Of course!" Alice says. "Let me grab my laptop!" She walks out of the room.

I lay my head on Jaspers shoulder. "I'm so tired." I say. "The medicine is getting to me."

"You can take a nap darlin'." Jasper says. "Alice can show you the stuff later."

I lay my head down on the pillow and Jasper lays next to me. "Sleep Cameron." He says.

I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

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