Twenty : October 13th.

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I graduated a few weeks ago and I am taking online college. It is October 12 and tomorrow is my 18th birthday.

Bella hasn't gotten any better and she hangs inside her room all the time. I miss Jasper, a lot. He'll even miss my birthday. He hasn't responded to any of my calls or texts.

I get in the truck and drive to the field where we played baseball. I have a bat in the back of the truck and when I arrive, I start trying to flip the bat. I whacked my ankle, nose, mouth, ear, wrist, stomach, and many other places but by 6:39 pm, I could flip that bat like a pro. It's almost like I'm a ninja with a katana.

I go home and make myself some Mac-and-cheese. I sprinkle some ritz crackers in it and I eat it. At 8:45, I head to my room and I read some Civil War books that I got from the library.

I end up falling asleep.


I wake up and there are streamers, balloons, and gifts around my bed. I look at my shirt and it was replaced by a new Jasper sweater.


I smile and I look at my phone, "one voicemail from Jasper Whitlock."

I open it and it is him singing me happy birthday. It feels so good to hear his voice.

There are 6 gifts and I open the first one, "From Emmett" it says. I open it and it is a baseball with all of the Cullens names signed on it.

Gift number 2 is from Alice, it is a necklace that you look into and you can see a picture. I look in and it is a funny picture of Jasper and I. I put it on.

Gift number 3 is also from Alice and it is the new iPhone 12!!!! It is a nice blue and it comes with a case filled with picture of me and all of the Cullens.

Gift number 4 is from Jasper, I open it and it is a hat that he had that I liked.

Gift number 5 is from Carlisle, it is a big envelope so I will open it later.

The final gift is from all of them and it is a huge fuzzy blanket with pictures on it. There are so many pictures on it!

I smile and I get dressed and run out of the door. I get in the red truck and I drive to the cafe to get my favorite breakfast. Charlie gives Bella and I each $50 each month. I get some massive banana pancakes and it is delicious.

Later, I go back home and Bella is in her room and Charlie is at work. I grab an ice cream cake that I bought a few days ago and I eat some.

After that, I head up to my room and I sit on my bed and I open the envelope. I read one of the papers in it.

"Dear Cameron, happy 18th birthday! I know you've been wanting these answers for a while. - Carlisle Cullen."

I look at the first paper and it says, "Cameron, when you were born, I was the one who delivered you and your sister. I was the first person to hold you. You parents admired your sister and I asked if they wanted to hold you, they said that they only needed one." A tear drops down my face. "I then had them sign some adoption papers. I tried to convince them to keep you, but they kept declining. For a month, I cared for you and asked every single woman that has a baby if they wanted you, then I found Charlie and Renee. They wanted twins so they took you in. They signed the papers and I walked away, hoping that they would be a good fit. - Carlisle."

I start crying and I fold the paper up. I put it on my nightstand and I start crying harder.

'They only needed one.'

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