Five : Better

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I randomly wake up slowly. My eyes are still heavy. I see a man with bright blond hair and I think I see Charlie. Everything is blurry.

"She has the Flu. Really badly." Someone says. "She will be in bed for the next 2 weeks."

I fall back asleep.

I wake up again. My eyes are barely open. Everything is still blurry.

"Hey darlin'." A voice says. "I hope you feel better. I miss you." They kiss the top of my head and their cold thumb glides against my burning forehead. The cold gives me a little relief.

I fall back asleep.

I wake up slightly again. Everything is still blurry.

"Good Morning, or should I say good evening Cameron." A smooth voice says. I look over and it is the blond guy from before. I squint and blink a few times until I can see clearly. "I'm Dr. Cullen. You have a very bad case of the flu."

I groan and I shut my eyes.

"Cameron, you've been sleeping like this for 5 days now." He says. "You need food and more water in your system."

I open my eyes and he his holding a bowl of soup.

"I'm not hungry." I say.

"We'll start out with some water then." He says.

I take a few sips of water and lay back down.

"That's good enough for now." He says. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I fall back asleep.

This goes on for two more weeks and I barely eat anything. I have less than a cup of soup everyday but that's it.

I wake up on day 15.

"I'm hungry." I mutter.

"I can make you a grilled cheese if you want." Charlie says.

"Sure." I say. I devour that sandwich. I eat some salad and Dr. Cullen checks on me that evening.

"You look better. The color is coming back to your face." He says.

"Yeah. I feel much better." I say. "Can I go back to school?"

Dr. Cullen chuckles. "Maybe Friday." He says.

"Today is Tuesday, right?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says. He leaves about an hour later.

I grab my phone and see that I have 30 missed calls from Jasper and I have 15 voicemails.

"Hey Cameron, it's Jasper, you weren't at school yesterday, I hope you feel better."

"Cameron, you've gotta get back to school. Biology is killing me by the second." I laugh.

"You won't believe what happened in History today! We were learning about how people made fire during the civil war and someone set their pencil on fire!" I laugh again.


I wake up ready to go to school on Friday. I put on a sweatshirt and some leggings. I run to the truck and get inside.

Bella gets in a few minutes later. She starts driving. I look out the window.

We park in the lot and I get out of the car.

'Finally back at Forks High School'

I walk to my first class and I sit down next to Jasper.

"Hey! You're back!" Jasper says. He smiles wide.

"Yeah! Finally!" I say.

The rest of the day is a breeze. I actually like school for once. I have a friend in school for once. I actually laugh and smile. All because of Jasper Hale.

"I love baseball!" I say to Jasper. "I don't really show that I like baseball. I actually enjoy watching it. I enjoy watching football too."

"My family and I like to play baseball." Jasper says.

"That's so cool." I say.

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