Twenty Six : Heat Stroke

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It has been 5 days since the encounter in the woods. I have been great at combat with a new wooden baseball bat. The battle is in 2 days.

The Cullens, Bella, and I are in their living room watching The Amazing Spider Man starring Andrew Garfield.

It is 10:00pm and I am tired from a long day of training. I lean against Jaspers shoulder. And my eyes threaten to collapse.

Jasper puts his arm around me and I slowly fall asleep.


I wake up in my bed and my alarm goes off. 4:30 in the morning?! Jasper said that todays training would be early, but I wasn't expecting this! I get up and check the weather on my phone. 85 degrees?! (Fahrenheit)

I sigh and put on this:

I head out the door and start driving to the Cullen's house

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I head out the door and start driving to the Cullen's house. I turn on the radio and listen to "Drop it like it's hot" by Snoop Dogg.

I get to the Cullens and I park the truck. Jasper have me a key to the house so I walk in.

"Hey Cam!" Emmett says.

"Hey Emmett!" I say. "Where's Jaz?" I ask.

"He's in his room." Emmett says.

"Thanks Emmett." I say. I walk to Jaspers door and I open it.

Jasper is laying on a bed with no shirt on and the sun is shining through the window.

'Damn, he's hot.'

I hear Edward laugh from the other room.

"Hey beautiful." Jasper says. "I bought this bed for the two of us. We don't fit on the couch."

"Thanks hot boy." I say.

Jasper smiles. "You ready for training today?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. "Are you?"

"Yeah. Tomorrow is the last day of training." Jasper says.

Alice walks in. "We going out for training or what?" She asks.

We head outside into the woods. It rained last night so it is really humid out.

I go up first against Edward. I grab my baseball bat and I flip it. It has a pool noodle around it so I don't kill anybody. "Let's go Eddie boy." I say. We start fighting. He jumps to tackle me but I duck and whack him with the bat. He gets me in a choke hold and I can barely breath. I loose grip of my bat and everything gets dizzy.

I then grab Edward's ear and I throw him on the ground. I grab my bat and start pushing it against his neck.

"Ok, ok, you win." Edward says. I smile. I go sit down and watch the others train.

A few hours later, I am super sweaty and I'm up again. It is super hot out.

I stand up against Emmett.

We rush against each other and Emmett shoves me into a tree and I groan.

"That hurt." I say. I get up and I whack him with my bat. He then grabs my bat and whacks me in the stomach. I fall over.

"Oh shit!" Emmett says. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard! Are you ok?!" He asks. He helps me up.

I look into the distance. There are flashes of shadows in the woods. Everything is ringing and dizzy. "Are there elephants in the woods?" I ask.

Cullens POV

"Carlisle?" Emmett asks.

"It's hot outside and the blow to the stomach wiped her out." Carlisle says. "She should get inside.

Jasper picks Cameron up and speed runs her to the Cullen house. He sets her on the cold floor and he turns on the AC. He turns on the bath and makes the temperature cold. He picks Cameron up and gently lays her in the tub. (She still has all of her clothes on.)

Cameron POV

I start to slip away, to fall asleep, but I am woken up by freezing cold water. I scream when it touches me. I try to get out.

"Cameron! Calm down!" Jasper says.

"I-it's cold!!!" I say.

Jasper cups my face in his hands. "Baby, I need you to lay in the tub."

"Jasper, I'm fine." I say. I try to get up but Jasper pushes me back down.

"Cameron!!" Jasper says. He raised his voice. I look at him and shit my mouth. Jasper sighs. "When I lived in Texas, my best friend was in a fight in the middle of the Texas streets. It was 88 degrees that day and he got punched in the stomach. He fell and he was dizzy. He had a heat stroke and he died because nobody knew what was happening. He said he saw unicorns in the desert." Jasper goes on. "We got him inside a building but we were too late. He died Cameron."

I look at Jasper. He lost his best friend.

"I-I just don't want to loose you." Jasper says.

I hug him. "I'm sorry Jaz." I say. I lay down in the tub.

"I'll be right back." Jasper says. He leaves the bathroom. A few minutes later, he comes back with one of his baggy t-shirts and a pair of my underwear.

I get out of the tub 10 minutes later and Jasper leaves the bathroom. I put on his baggy t-shirt and some clean underwear. No shorts or pants. The t-shirt goes down to my knees though.

I head into Jaspers room and he in laying there on the bed without a shirt on.

"Come here Darlin'." Jasper says.

I go over and lay next to his cold body on the bed. He kisses my forehead. "You feel alright baby?" He asks.

"Yeah. Now that I'm laying next to you, I feel even better." I say.

"I like your outfit." Jasper says.

"Same. You kinda forgot to include pants though." I say.

Jasper chuckles. "I didn't forget."

I smile and kiss him.

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