Eighteen : Bella B-day

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Alice runs out of the room. Bella must be here. I stand next to Jasper and Bella and Alice walk down.

"Just wait for the birthday party Alice is gonna plan for you." Jasper says.

I laugh. "It might be crazier."

Bella opens some gifts and she gets a bracelet from Rosalie and Alice and a radio for her truck from Emmett.

"Dating an older woman, hot." Emmett says to Edward. I start laughing.

"Here's one from Esme and Carlisle." Alice says.

"You've been looking kind of pale lately." Carlisle says. He chuckles.

Bella struggles to open it and gets a paper cut.

"Ow, paper cut." Bella says. Then reality sinks in, she is in a room full of vampires.

Jasper holds my hand tightly.

"Jaz, do you need some air?" I ask.

It all happens in slow motion, Jasper jumps towards Bella and Edward shoves Jasper into a piano and shoves Bella into some vases.

Bella's whole arm is bleeding. I run over Jasper, who Emmett and Carlisle are holding back. Jaspers eyes are pitch black.

"Jaz, it's ok, it's just a little blood." I say a cup his face with my hands and he bites my one hand.

Jaspers face lightens. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Cameron! Oh my god, what have I done?!" Jasper panics and runs outside.

"You ok Cameron?" Carlisle asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need a bandage." I say.

Carlisle brings Bella and I to his office. He pulls the glass out of Bella's arm and then bandages it. Then he cleans my wound and wraps it.

"Thanks Carlisle." I say. I head back downstairs and head outside for some air.

I sit look into the woods and see Jasper.

"Hey Jaz, you ok?" I ask. I am a few feet away from him.

"I should be asking you that question." Jasper says. He looks at the ground.

"I'm fine Jaz." I say. "I've dealt with worse."

"Can I see it?" Jasper asks.

I nod and give my hand to Jasper. He start unwrapping it and then he stares at it, regret filling his eyes.

"Does it hurt?" Jasper asks.

"No." I say.

Jasper wraps it back up. "Cameron, I am more than sorry and I hope you forgive me." Jasper says.

"I do forgive you Jasper. It wasn't your fault." I say.

"Yes it was." Jasper says. "You should head home. It's getting dark outside."

I hug Jasper. "I live you Jasper Whitlock."

"I love you too Cameron Willow." Jasper says.

I pull away and I start driving Bella and I home.


The next day at school, the Cullens aren't there. I have a miserable day without them and I can't pull my mind off of them.

After school, I head home and do my homework. I text Jasper but he doesn't respond. I also text Edward.

-The Hair- (Edward Cullen)

Cameron [Is Jasper ok? He isn't answering my texts.]

Cameron [Are you going to ignore me too?!]

Edward doesn't respond either. I start to worry but it might take time because of what happened last night.

I can't fall asleep for the rest of the night.

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