☁️(Marvel) Bucky x (gendernutral) Reader

Start from the beginning

I know Bucky was probably trying to get home to me. That's just the kind of person he is. It was almost Christmas only a day away and sadly Bucky might not be there to celebrate it with me. Every year we end up spoiling each other with how many presents we end up giving the other. Then after presents Bucky would start up the fireplace and I would go into the kitchen and I would get some eggnog and put whip cream on top then put tiny chocolate chips into it and have a candy cane on the side of the cup. I would come into the living room and sit by the fireplace and set our drinks down on the fireplace ledge and then James would come over with a big blanket and sit next to me. We would grab Our drinks and then Bucky would drape the blanket over us and we'd snuggle up close together. That's my favorite part of Christmas just being able to sit down and snuggle up with him.

I let out a soft sad sigh. It just doesn't look like that's going to happen now. I keep walking not knowing where to go so I let my feet lead me to wherever they felt like. As I was walking I started thinking about the conversation James and I had before he left...


"When I get back I promise that you and I will do anything you want ok doll/darling/handsome?" Bucky says in a soft voice.

"How can you be so sure that you actually will come back? What if you don't? I'll be all alone." I replied, tears streaming down my face and my body racking with sobs.

"Oh doll/darling/handsome!" He exclaimed in a soft worried voice. His voice also comes out as if he was surprised by my words. He comes closer to me and pulls me into a hug. I sob more and bury my face into the collar of his neck.

"I got something for you doll/darling/handsome." I slowly look up at him and let go. He then slowly walked over to his dresser and pulled out a small black box. My hands slap over my mouth and happy tears start to well up in my eyes. He smiles and walks over to me and gets on one knee.

"Y/N we've been together for three years now and it's been the best three years of my life. You're always there to support me and you always bring me joy. Together we are a perfect puzzle. We are still being put together and we will have rough patches but that happens in a relationship and I wouldn't want anything more than for you to be mine for the rest of our lives so will you F/N marry me?" He opens the box to show the most amazing ring I've ever seen.

(Up top)

"YES BUCKY a million times yes!" I managed to say through my sobs of joy. He stands up taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto my finger. He closed the box and set it on the side table we were standing by. I throw my arms around his neck and hug him. He then started hugging me and and he put his hands around my torso. I pull back looking into his beautiful blue eyes and then I start observing his features. Like his dimples, his brunette hair, and some scars scattered here and there. I give him a kiss on the lips and slowly pull away looking into his blue eyes once again.

"Promise to come back to me soldier?" I say with a soft and desperate tone.

"I swear I will doll/darling/handsome. After this war I'll retire. And when I come back we'll spend a whole day doing exactly what you want." He says with a small smile creeping up onto his face. I smile back and nod. We then snuggled up in bed holding each other not wanting to leave the other that eventually turned into a little more.

~End Of flashback~

A smile appears on my face and happy tears well up in my eyes. I look down at my ring and I start fiddling around with it. 'He'll be home soon'  I think to myself. I blinked away the tears and I looked around to see where I was.

I was at the exit of town

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I was at the exit of town... exactly where me and James met. I start walking down the path way that exits the town. I smiled and looked around at the snowy trees around me and I smiled with joy. I look down the path again and I see someone coming into town. I walk toward them. I wanted to see if They need some kind of help. As I get closer I see them in a strange outfit with shades of green like a dark one and an olive- wait it's an army uniform. I get A little closer and see they have brunette hair! Oh my god it was Bucky!!

"BUCKY!!!!!" I scream out to him and start running towards him. He heard his name and his head snapped toward me and a big smile spread across his face and he started running to me. Once we were close enough I jumped into his arms kissing him straight on the lips. We pull apart smiling like idiots.

"I love you barns." I whisper into his ear. He smiles before whispering back,

"I love you too doll/darling/handsome." He sets me down and we pick up his bags and start walking to the house.

We get to my house and go inside. I put my jacket away and we both took off our shoes. We then go to the bedroom and we put all his stuff away and he gets changed into some normal clothes.

"So doll/darling/handsome you wanna have today all about you?" He asked with a sweet smile upon his face.

"No not today. Today I just want to lay in bed with you snuggle, watch Netflix, and eat food." I say sitting down on the bed he joins me smiling and says,

"That sounds amazing doll." We smile and cuddle up together under the blankets. I grab the remote from the side table on my side and put on a movie. And then about two minutes into the movie James says,

"By the way you look amazing in my clothes." And I turned beet red forgetting about wearing his plaid shirt. Oh crap...

The End

X Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now