⚠️💨Jeff the killer x male reader

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Credit to original artist ♥️

Hey guys I'm alive.. more or less. Sorry its taken so long i was doing a lot of school work for graduation and then i had job looking and i have one now and looking for an apartment but I'm here so let me know if you have any requests and Don't forget to follow me for announcements of what's going to be posted next.


Y/n pov

I walk through the halls keeping my head down as much as I possibly could. I didn't want Anyone to acknowledge the fact that i was around. My boyfriend warned me that if anyone were to look at what's his they'd pay. And honestly i wish i could say that scared me but in reality. It didn't. Knowing that he would stop at nothing and no one for me.. did quite the opposite of scare me. I hold my books close to my side and cut corners sharp to get to my class when suddenly I was slammed against the lockers.

I look up at the person who had slammed me into lockers and it was this kid named James. I shove him off and say "get off me dude. I said no 6 times already. Take a hint." And i start walking away and he grabbed my wrist. James was this 5'10 scrawny man, with blonde hair and blue eyes and super immature. Not. My. Type. I shake him off and say "dude! Fuck off I'm not saying it again! I have a boyfriend!" James shoved me against the locker again and I groaned and he says "i should be your boyfriend! Fuck that other guy! You belong to me!" And with his left hand he grabbed me by the throat suffocating me. I let out a noise from the throat and I kicked him in the shin and he released me and I took a deep gasp and I say with my now raspy voice "i belong to no one, fuck you James. You're dead!"

I sprint off to the boys bathroom and quickly lock the door. I hunch over with my hands to my knees and i was out of breathe and suddenly there was a pounding on the door of the bathroom and i quickly cover my mouth and sprint down the stalls and get to the door in the bathroom to the appliance closet and it was luckily unlocked and i went inside and locked it with the 3 locks inside and i covered my mouth with hope that it would make him and all the fear dissipate. After a few moments it went silent. I unlock the door and step out heavy breathing and adrenaline pumping through my body and I looked into the bathroom mirror and my neck was bruised in a perfect hand shape. I bring my hand up to it and let out a hiss because of the pain. I then smirk and start chuckling to myself and I mumble "oh Jeff's going to have fun."

I walk out of the bathroom and head to my class for sixth period that being my science class. I walk into the room and all eyes were on me. I mumble a soft "sorry i was late." The teacher raised an eyebrow and says "well do you have a good explanation y/n." And crossed her arms. I looked her dead in the eyes and say "i had explosive diarrhea." She winced and says "ew that's enough y/n take your seat." I roll my eyes and say "will do." And went straight to my seat. I pull out my sketch book and started drawing Jeff with a small smile on my face. I truly couldn't wait for tonight.

(Time skip)

I get home around 4:10 due to having to walk home and I go straight to my room and throw my bag to the floor near my closet. I release a loud sigh and flop down onto my bed. The nightfall couldn't come fast enough. I look around my room hoping to find something that will occupy my mind. I end up pulling out my vape and taking a long hit. I sigh and sit up to i see my cat sleeping in the corner of my room in her little bed i smile and say "good idea buddy." And i lay back down and pull my covers over my body before slowly drifting off to sleep.

(Time skip)

I feel myself slowly start to wake up and i let out a soft noise and i hear a deep chuckle from right next to me and i snap my eyes open to see Jeff laying right next to me and a smile spreads across my face and i say "Jeff! I missed you." He "smiled" and says "i missed you too y/n. Also you're adorable when you sleep." I feel the heat spread across my cheeks and I mumble "shut up.." and he says "nope! Buuuuuuut i do in fact, have a little surprise for you my dear." My eyes widen and i say "wait really? Ooooo what is it?" Jeff chuckled and says "oh darling.. you know that i always watch you y/n. And i simply couldn't let that man get away with what he did to your perfect body.." my eyes widen and a small smile spread across my face and i laugh out "that man? Oh Jeff my psycho lover.. what did you do to James." jeff started laughing and says "my my puppet you know me a little too well. Now let's see the extent of the damage." He got up off of me and went straight to my window, closing the blinds and then walked while humming the nice tune of Custer over to the light switch and turned it on. My eyes squint trying to adjust to the new found light that flooded into the room. Once my eyes adjust i look up to see him right in front of my face and i feel my stomach twist at his handsome face. I rest my hands on his face and my fingers cress the cuts on his cheeks when suddenly he grabbed both my hands with one of his and pinned them above my head and with his other he lifts my chin to look at the mark that was bruised into my neck.

X Male Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora