☁️Male! Harley quinn x Male! reader

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(credit of the art to the original artist)


V/n - villain name


I hopped along the top of the buildings of Gotham city completely and I was completely in my vigilante outfit. I didn't really have a side but I did work with the joker more often than not. I haven't seen him in a good two months though I wasn't worried at all. It's the joker we're talking about. I was out looking for crime and as I was looking there was nothing but silence. Nothing bad happened that night and it was 3 AM.

I suddenly heard the laughter of the joker and a smile and say " wow would you look at this, it's the one and only Joker." The joker laughs and says " well hello darling it's been long enough!" I saw a handsome man who looked overly Stiff and I say "well J who's this? Replacing me I'm hurt!" Joker says "oh! Harvey stand down he's a friend of mine." Harvey suddenly smiles a wide psychotic smile and he says "well thank goodness! I didn't want to have to carve into such a handsome doll!" I giggled thinking he was adorable. "well Harvey I'm quite charmed." I say as I jump down in front of Harvey and put out my hand. Harvey smiled and shook my hand and kissed it softly and whispered "Oh doll the pleasure is all mine.~ my what gorgeous E/c eyes you have! oh my! Don't know your name my handsome doll." I looked into his crystal blue eyes and I debated giving him my real name but I decided against it and said "it's V/n." Harvey frowns and he says "aww doll don't trust me yet?" I smirked and say "not yet darling." I winked and he smiled again.

Joker says "well me and Harvey need to get going before the bat-." And he was cut off by a thud from behind us and we hear "stop right there joker!" We all groan and say "Batman.." we turn around and Batman says "Harvey, V/n to not too late you can still be good!" I cracked my knuckles and smirked and I say "uhhh yeah.. no thanks." Harvey let out a psychotic laugh and he pulled out a dagger and rested it against his cheek and it drew blood and he then says "I'm never going back! This is who I was meant to be!" Batman sighs and he put his hands into fists and says "you leave me no choice." I groan and say "oh my god would you just shut up with your annoying heroic ass bullshit!"

(After battle because I suck at fight scenes)

I was sweating and I looked over to see Harvey was as well. I say "nice work boys." Batman had gotten away but we got him good. Harvey chuckled and whispered "you did an excellent job yourself my dear." Joker chuckled and he said "Harvey let's go before the cops get here!" Harvey looked over at the joker and says "hold on boss I-" and he looked over back to where I was last but I had already gone onto the top of the building and blended into the shadows.

Harvey mumbles "damn it.." and he scanned all around him and he says "well you win this one doll but I will be waiting for your return.." and joker says "Harvey this way!" And sirens filled the alley and the escaped down a pothole.

Third person

Its been two weeks since the last time Harvey has seen V/n and he was desperate to see him again. Every time he was out he would look and hope that v/n was there but he wasn't. Or so he thought. V/n was always lurking around in the shadows out of site and he thought it was a fun little game. Harvey got so whiny and he really wanted to see him again and he says "joker! I miiiiiiiiss him.. his gorgeous eye I can't get them out of my head! I miss him, I miss him, I miss him!" And he started crying. The joker says "shut up would you! My god fine I'll call Him!" Harvey says "you had his number this whole time?!" Joker says "well yeah he was my Business partner.. sort of." Harvey says "well you could have done this sooner!" Joker says "you never asked!"

Joker sighs and and called V/n and he picked up and he says "hello?" Joker says "ahhh V/n hello I was wondering if you'd come to the mansion.. Harvey has been Missing you." V/n giggles and says "aww well I'll be over in a few then." Joker hung up and looked at Harvey and says "well he's coming go get dressed!" Harvey says "oh really! Oh yay!" And he ran to his room.

(Few minutes later)

Harvey came downstairs and he saw V/n in all his handsome glory and he smiles and says "V/n! oh I've missed you!" And he hugged v/n. V/n giggles and says "aww I missed you too Harvey let's go for a walk shall we?" Harvey says "yes doll let's." And he held his arm out for v/n and she gladly took it and they left into and the ended up in the ally's of Gotham. They were having a great time And they hear a scream and they look over and see a man and he says "your freaks!" And he pulled out his phone. V/n got angry and he threw a throwing knife at his phone and says "oh I'm gonna show you crazy!" And he chuckled and says "shall we have fun Harvey?" And he says "oh we shall doll."

The man looked as though he had shit himself and the two of you tie him up and they dragged him behind them and he was terrified.V/n and Harvey were laughing so hard and they headed back to the mansion. V/n gave the man to joker and says "have your fun." And the joker cackles and says "oh goody!" And brought him to the torcher chambers. V/n looked at Harvey and says "I'm.. y/n.." Harvey says "Y/n... wonderful.." and they stare into each other's eyes and y/n blushed and he winked and says "I'll see you around psycho." And he left Harvey standing there  a smiling blushing mess.

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