Chapter 29: The Eating Contest!

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Monokuma's morning alert woke me up, saying the same thing he always says in the morning. At this point, he can take his "Beeee-autiful Day!", and stuff it right up his ass. None of us have found a way out (not that I really bothered to look for one anymore; the mastermind clearly wasn't sloppy with their work), and Byakuya was no closer to discovering the secret of the hidden room. Kokichi was still up to who-knows-what, and I had a VERY bad feeling about the newly-discovered Chemistry Room.

I sat up and leaned forward, resting my forehead in between my pointer finger and thumb. Shuri, get your head on straight! You can't worry about things you can't control. You tell other people this all the time. Quit stressing out so much, and get a grip, alright?

After this pseudo-pep talk, I took a deep breath, then got out of bed and showered. I then got dressed and headed to the Dining Hall. I came across Maki and Peko on they way there, and briefly talked with Peko about the sheath on her back. She sleeps with it at her side, as her training required her to always be ready, sometimes without any notice. She then fell silent, and I figured this conversation was over.

Kirumi made French Toast sandwiches, with egg, cheese, and either ham, bacon, or sausage. I had two sandwiches, of the bacon variety, along with a glass of orange juice.

After I put my dishes up (despite Kirumi's objections, as she saw it as her duty to put all dishes away), I returned from the kitchen to see Kirumi, Kokichi, and Hina arguing with each other. It didn't seem violent, but Kirumi was clearly upset.

"Please, I insist you do not refer to me as your mother. That is insulting to a proper maid." Kirumi admonished the two others.

Hina's shoulders slumped a bit. "I didn't mean you ARE my mom, Kirumi. I just meant you were LIKE a mom to us."

Kirumi shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I am just like the rest of you. As I've said before, please, just think of me as another classmate."

Kokichi grinned. "Whatever you say, Mom! Nee-hee-hee!" and ran out of the room. Kirumi glared at the entrance to the Dining Hall, while Hina just stared at the floor, looking dejected, before she left as well.

Seeing no reason to stick around, I decided to check out the Fourth Floor again. I wanted another look at that Chemistry Room, but I didn't want to be up there alone. That room just felt... ominous, and I couldn't figure out why.

Looking around, the only other person in the room was Nagito. Deciding it couldn't hurt, I decided to approach Nagito, and invite him to the Chemistry Room with me.

Nagito seemed taken aback by my question. "An Ultimate is asking a worthless piece of trash like me to accompany him? Amazing!" Nagito then added, "Yes, I will join you up there, but Kirumi needs me back here before the Eating Contest this afternoon."

Curious about why Kirumi would need Nagito's assistance, he replied that Kirumi wouldn't be able to bake, cook, and serve the food at the same time, so she asked Nagito to serve the food.

He went on about becoming a stepping stone for Kirumi's, Akane's, and Hina's Ultimate talents, but I tuned most of that out. Part of me felt bad about doing that to Nagito, but this wasn't a complex I really wanted to deal with at this time.

Together, we went up the stairs to the second, then third, and finally the fourth floor. Going down the hallway ahead of us, I glanced outside, and saw Peko, Maki, and Kirumi sitting at one of the tables. They appeared to be having a conversation, but obviously I couldn't hear anything being said. We made a left at the end of the hallway, then a right at the Bowling Alley, walking past the Batting Cages (both of which sounded empty, but I didn't look inside them).

Finally, we stood at the entrance to the Chemistry Room. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, and we both walked in together, with Nagito following behind me.

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