Chapter 12: Second Floor Investigation

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The 7am Monokuma alert went off, and I slowly got out of bed. I got dressed, and headed towards Soda's room. I was still worried about him, after watching him break down after Gonta's execution yesterday. I knocked on his door, and after a few moments, Soda slowly opened his door. He looked like he had barely slept all night, and the deaths of Taka and Gonta still clearly affected him.

"Y-Yo, Shuri," Soda stammered. "Hey, I'm not going to the Dining Hall this morning, alright? I just...I need-"

I waved him off. "I get it."

Soda nodded, then looked down. "Hey, tell the others that I'm ok though, will ya?"

"Sure, no problem. Considering everything that happened yesterday, I don't want anyone noticing you're missing, and then thinking that maybe someone killed you."

After determining that Soda would, indeed, be ok, I headed to the Dining Room to meet with the others and eat. Kirumi made me some biscuits and gravy, with scrambled eggs mixed it. As usual, it was incredible, better than even I could make myself. I informed Kirumi and the others that Soda would not be joining them this morning, but that he was fine. Kirumi curtsied, assuming that Soda's request to be left alone this morning was a request, and resumed her maidly duties.

I left the Dining Room and headed straight to Byakuya's room. I needed to speak with him about yesterday, but was not looking forward to the conversation. I eventually reached his room, and rang his doorbell. After about 20 seconds of silence, I rang his doorbell again.

Feeling a presence behind me, I turned around, finding Monokuma standing there. Before I could speak, Monokuma spoke first.

"Looking for someone, are ya? Well, Byakuya's not home right now. He's on the second floor, somewhere."

I cocked my head. "Second floor? You mean-"

Monokuma interrupted me. "Yes, yes, yes, the second floor. Weren't you listening yesterday? When you found the correct Blackened, I rewarded everyone by opening the gate to the second floor at 7am today! Now, quit wasting your time here, and go!" Monokuma then disappeared, seeming into thin air. I shook my head quickly, closing my eyes tightly, then decided that Byakuya was, most likely, on the second floor, as Monokuma said.

After I left Byakuya's door, I overheard Ibuki talking about a "second floor" with Mikan in front of Mikan's room. Mikan, however, seemed scared about the idea. Mikan noticed me coming around the corner, causing her to look my way. Ibuki turned to see what she was looking at, saw me, and promptly ran straight at my direction.

"Good nom-nom-nomming!" Ibuki half-greeted, half-shouted at me. "Do you wanna check out the second floor with Ibuki?"

I nodded, understanding suddenly what Ibuki and Mikan were discussing, and then having a strong feeling as to how the day was gonna end up. "Let me guess, since Mikan won't go up there with you, you're wondering if I'll go with you instead? Am I right?"

Ibuki's eyes grew wide. "Ding ding ding! So, will you-"

I inadvertently cut her off. "I actually have business of my own on the second floor, so I don't mind checking it out with you."

Ibuki jumped up and down several times in excitement. "Really? Yaaa-hoooo!!"

As Mikan turned to leave us, I asked her if I could speak to her later. Mikan said that would be fine, stating she would likely be in her room, or in the laundry room, and then apologized for not joining us in checking out the second floor. After convincing Mikan that it was no big deal, I headed up to the second floor stairs with Ibuki.

The gate that was once blocking the stairs was now lifted, giving access to the second floor stairwell. We both headed up, with Ibuki staying a few steps behind me, peppering me with questions about what might be up here. I chalked it up to her excitability.

Danganronpa: Shuri's Schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें