Chapter 4: Introductions

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We decided to line up in a circle, facing each other, for introductions. Well, everyone except Byakuya, because he walked out of the gym and left us all behind. I had the feeling he was used to doing things his own way, and that he didn't think much of the rest of us.

We all decided to state our names, our Ultimate Talent, and anything else we felt might be helpful. I decided to start introductions myself.

"I'm Shurinku Kansatsu, the Ultimate Psychologist. Shuri for short. Let me know if there's anything on your mind, and I'll do my best to help address it with you." I then took several steps back, indicating that I was done speaking.

A boy dressed in white, with medals all over the left side of his chest, spoke next. Well, half-spoke, half-shouted. "I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru. People call me the Ultimate Moral Compass. Let's work together on this!" He paused for a moment, then added "You can call me Taka for short, if you wish!" He then walked over and stood next to me, on my right. Confident, but not arrogant, and seemingly willing to work with anyone and everyone, as long as he has a say in things.

The girl with the oni horns spoke next. "I-Buki Mio-da! Who is that? That's me, Ibuki Mioda! I'm the Ultimate Musician, and I LOVE the guitar! Hi everyone!!" She waved enthusiastically at everyone, then stood to my left. Cheerful, loud (ok, VERY loud at times), but didn't seem to be a troublemaker.

A...boy robot?...decided to speak next. "I am K-One B-Zero, the Ultimate Robot! But please, address me as Keebo. And yes, although I am a robot, I have a very advanced AI, and I will NOT tolerate robophobia!" Ok, so this guy, or robot, or whatever seems nice, but has a definite inferiority or persecution complex. Maybe I can help him with that.

A guy in a yellow outfit and a beanie, with bright pink hair, spoke up almost immediately. "Kazuichi Soda, Ultimate Mechanic, here. Nice to meet ya! Oh, and Keebo, if you need any repairs, let me know. I'm a pro with repairing things!"

"Please, don't call me a 'thing'!" Keebo half-responded, half-complained.

A cackling laughter greeted our ears next. A blonde girl, very top-heavy, spoke next. "I'm the one and only gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will get us all out of here! Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor! Oh, and Keebo, don't let that buckethead fool you. If you need any..." She chuckled a little. "...Special care, I'll be happy to do whatever you want done to you! Or to me, for that matter..."

"Please, I don't need you to do anything to me," Keebo responded.

Soda added, "Yeah, keep your foul mouth to yourself!"

Miu flinched and hunched her shoulders. "Foul...mouth? I..."

Soda cut her off, after staring at Miu for longer than what seemed comfortable. "Know what? It's fine. Keebo, if you need any help with maintenance or whatever, I'm sure either of us will help you."

I shook my head and quickly assessed the three of them. Miu is a foul-mouthed perv, but stand up to her and she cowers. Soda seems to be a bit of a perv too, but judging from the wrench in his belt, he clearly considered himself a handyman, and didn't seem arrogant of his skills.

A brunette girl, nearly popping out of her blouse, spoke up next. "Yo! Name's Akane Owari. I'm the Ultimate Gymnast! Nice to meet ya! I hope they've got some really good food here!"

Another brunette, also nearly popping out of her tank top, replied "Oooh, you like food too? My name's Aoi Asahina, but my friends just call me Hina. I'm the Ultimate Swimmer, but I enjoy all sports, really. Oh, and donuts. I LOOOOVE donuts!"

"Really, huh? You love food AND physical activity? I think we'll be the best of friends!" Akane and Hina ran towards each other and hugged, then sat down together at the bleachers and started talking eagerly. They both seemed eager to make friends, and were both top-heavy, athletic, and had a shared interest in food, so it seemed natural that they'd make quick friends.

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