Soon Enough (15)

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It's been 5 years, nothing has changed except for..

"I-I can't believe it.." You say in disbelief. You could feel yourself start to get emotional while looking down at the newspaper. Corazon smiled at you and nodded his head. "H-He's alive and well!!!" Your tears started to fall. You couldn't hold back the happiness that was filling you to the rim. "He's a popular pirate rookie at the moment. He has his own crew and friends." Corazon said with a proud tone. You hug the newspaper tightly in your arms and smile brightly.

"We.. We finally can see you Law!" You jump up in the air, unable to contain your excitement. You run over to Corazon and hug him tightly. "This is our chance Cora!" You hug the man so tight he began to lose his breath. "Y-Yes, but he's all the way on the other side." Cora pointed to the map on the bedroom wall.

A frown quickly grew on your face. "I guess we have to hurry!" You let go of him and run out, without warning. "B-Baby hold on! Wait for me!" He ran after you with a big stupid smile on his face.

I'm happy for you Law.. Please just wait a little tad bit longer..

*2 years had gone by*

"He's in dressrosa right now." You read through the newspaper snoozing through the details.

It didn't surprise you that Doffy had taken over a kingdom. He was a man known to be deadly, cold and a big ass jerk. It was weird because he loved you to the point you turned into his soft spot. His own little love thing that made him happy every time he saw you.

He wanted to marry you, become his one and only wife. For the rest of his life he wanted to be with you, he had never felt like that for anyone but you. When he figured out about your escape from Minion Island he went berserk.

He sent everyone on their own ship to travel and track you down for a little while..

Does he know about your relationship with Corazon..?

You have always wondered that since you escaped. If he found you, what could you do? Run away? Try to escape again? A large doubt was on jeopardy, if he found you he would probably kill you right then and there. You still feel guilty about leaving him, thinking you loved him.

He truly loved you, genuinely..

With all his heart.. You could even say he cared about you more than his own biological brother..

"Y/n? Are you there?" Corazon asked while tapping your shoulder. You quickly break your daydreaming daze and look over at him. "O-Oh sorry! What did you say?" You asked, looking clearly confused. He chuckled for a bit and smiled. "We are almost near dressrosa. News went around on the radio today that the Strawhats defeated Doffy." Corazon explained trying to reverse back the radio.

You eyes shot open in shock. "Really??? Is Law okay???" You ask as he shrugs. "I'm sure he is." He then pressed play on the radio.

Radio Person: Hello ladies and gentlemen! More updated news on about Dressrosa. The Strawhats and the Ex King of Dressrosa King Riku Doldo lll has taken back the royal families long lived family legacy.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" You jump out of your chair and begin to head to the map on your bedroom wall. "Let's hope we make it before Law leaves the island.." Corazon said sounded quite doubtful.

"I'm sure we will! You said we were near right?" You ask with a smile. He looks up at you and nods.

Radio Person: Oh! Well folks! It seems Strawhats and the other pirates are making there way off the island!

Both of your jaws drop, "CRAP!" You yell before running out of the room. "WE NEED TO SAIL QUICK!" You and Corazon run out of the room in panic.

*A couple minutes later*

You could both spot from the deck to see a glimpse of a large lion looking ship. "Do you think we will make it??" You ask while running over to the steering wheel. "It seems that both the ships are taking off." Corazon watched as the Lion ship blasted off into the sky.

You and Corazon's jaws drop at the insane sight. Such a large ship blasted at 100 mph. "Crap! We're losing them!" You try to make the boat go faster by running over and opening the sails more but it didn't help in the slightest.

"Do we really have to keep chasing you Law!" You yell with a short sigh. Corazon walked over to you and gently took your smaller form into his arms. "We will meet him soon.. We just have to keep trying." Corazon tried to calm you down by hugging you tightly.

Not gonna lie it really did help you. Being in his arms was what you waited for while he was away. These are the moments you take in the most to make up for the days he was gone.

"Let's just wait and see what news pops up.." You say while leaning back against him with a frown. He nods his head and lays his head on your shoulder. "I'll keep watch tonight. You can rest." He kissed your head gently. "Okay, If anything happens shout." You kiss him back and break away from his arms.

"Let's start the day tomorrow positively, okay honey?" He asked putting his two pointer fingers at the ends of his smile. You chuckle at his childish actions and nod your head.

"Alright, see ya in the morning Cora."

You walk away knowing that you will see Law one day.

Just not now..

Word count~ 990

(I'm actually kind of proud of this chapter! I really do hope you enjoyed!)

(Please leave a star if appreciation!! ⭐️)

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