Soundless (8)

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It has now been about 7 months since you and Law met to create the cure for his disease. There was some progress but not much. "..Law we can do this! Don't give up now, it's only been a couple months." You try to reason with him as he sits on the stool with a pouty face. "It's been seven months! Only two years left.. If it takes us this long to get any progress then we might not get anything by the two years I have left.." The boy argued back.

You could see the pain in his eyes, you could tell he really didn't want to die. You pick the boy up and held him in your arms. The boy stiffened by your sudden touch. "Law.. I promise we will find a way.. Even if it takes my life I will help you.." You hug him tightly as he awkwardly sits their in silence. "Law, Make sure to eat really healthy okay? That will show an astronomical amount of progress." You smile down at him as he looks away.

His cheeks were so cute and pink you pinched at it. "Ow!" He pushed your hand away and rubbed his cheek. "You're so cute Law!" You kiss his forehead with a smile on your face.

I will do anything to make you live Law..

*Back to Present day* (Continued from Ch. 6)

It's been about a week since Doffy dropped you off in your room. Leaving you to be in one of the greatest shocks of the century. Never in your life would you think he would make such actions toward you. You only thought of the man as a friend, nothing more.

He had kissed you without warning and walked out like nothing happened. You still feel awkward and somewhat disgusted by yourself. You should've stopped him, you should've told him the truth. But you clearly didn't have the guts to, not at that moment. You can't even look at yourself in the mirror and feel okay.

Was it time to tell him about your relationship with Corazon? Or just reject him and see what happens..?

If I were Corazon.. What would he think of the situation?

Corazon usually stays on the safe side, such as defense. The worst comes to worse he could yell at his brother for not telling him we are dating. But if I reject him maybe he would understand right..? I think I'm just gonna reject him if anything happens..

You stand near your bedroom window while staring out. "I hope their okay.." you say to yourself while thinking about all the possible outcomes that could happen. A disruption happened while you were in thought, someone had knocked on your door.

You walk over curious of who it is. As you open the door you could faintly see his pink, fluffy jacket. "D-Doffy!" You say in surprise. You open the door all the way now seeing his full form at the door. "W-What brings you here?" You smile up at the man awkwardly. He stares down at you with his usual expression.

There was a moment of awkward silence before he decided to speak. "I would like to speak to you.." He walked into your room. You quickly move out of the way, allowing him to walk into your room. You could feel your heart start to race like it's in a marathon.

You didn't want to speak to the man about what had happened the week before. You were so nervous you could hear your own heart beating. He sat down on your bed, watching you awkwardly tidy your room. "You haven't come up to me since last week after the incident.." Doffy got straight to the point. You hesitantly look over to him. "..Did I make you uncomfortable..?" He asked.

If only he knew why.. But for Corazon's sake I must do it..

"Doffy... I-I just don't think of you that way.." You finally blurted it out. You hoped for the best he wouldn't kill you right then and there. You've seen how cold he could get, watching the family of those die before him. He didn't even crack his smirk watching them all fall to their deaths. It was like there was no such thing as empathy in him.

He stayed silent, the rooms aura changed as the silence took over. The room was soundless, as if Corazon's powers were on. "I see.." He slowly got off your bed and headed to your door. "I.. I apologize for my actions.." He walked out, leaving you to be left with shock.

Why did that go out smoother than your expected? He didn't take it too well but better than you expected. You stand there at a loss for words, how in the world did he not kill you. You couldn't even move, you were so stiff you just stood there.

You went into a gaze but that broke once your transponder snail went off. "Might be Cora and Law!" You quickly close the door and run over to your snail. "Moshi Moshi!" You answer the phone with a smile on your face. "Y/n.." You heard Law's voice on the other side. "Law! Are you and Cora doing alright?" You ask trying to forget about the recent event.

"We are fine.." Law answered. There was a sudden clash on their side of the line. "You guys okay?" You ask now hearing Corazon tell Law to stay put. "Y/n, how are you?" Corazon asked. You could already see his cheesy smile on his face. Oh how much you missed being in his arms.

One thing you have to keep secret from him is about what had happened between you and his brother.

"I'm doing well! I heard about the devil fruit for Law." You mention. "..yeah.. We will be meeting you guys on an island soon." Corazon answered with a smile. "Are you sure it's okay to meet Doffy again?" You ask making sure to turn down the volume. You didn't want Doffy to hear you talking to Corazon.

"It will be fine.. Especially since I get to see you too!" Corazon happily said in a loving tone. You smile down at the snail and nod your head. "Mhm! When you guys get back I'll make you my hot cocoa!" You twist your finger around the string. "By the way Y/n, do you mind doing something for me?" Corazon asked, this quickly caught your attention. "Yes?" You ask, curious of what it could be.

"Make sure.. To not tell Doffy about anything.. Our relationship especially, okay..?" He sounded like he was risking something. "Of course, but why are you bringing it up..?" You ask in worry. He stayed silent for a moment. "If he figures out anything, he will kill anyone that gets in his way.. I don't want you to get hurt Y/n.. So please do as he says.." Corazon begged you.

You sit on your bed and think about it. "Not too long ago me and Doffy had a conversation.." Corazon mentioned. You listened in as well as Law. "He wanted to get married soon.. He told me he wanted to marry you.." Corazon explained.

What a surprise, you totally didn't know that your boyfriends brother is in love with you. "Really??" You ask trying to act surprised. Corazon hums in response. "I'll just reject him, that'll be fine right?" You ask for reassurance. "If he asks you to be with him by force.. Just accept.." Corazon answered, with an unexpected answer. "W-What??? Are you sure Cora??" You ask feeling a bit betrayed in some way.

"If you tell him yes.. That will distract him for a bit." Corazon sounded like he was planning something. "Distract him from what?" You became more curious. What was your man not telling you. "Corazon what plan are you hiding?" You ask now on his tail. "..Doffy wants me to eat the devil fruit.." Corazon answered.

"But you already have one.." You stare down at the snail in shock.

(Sorry this chapter was off. Kind of struggled on this one.)

Word count~ 1366

Silent (Corazon X Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora