Shhh (3)

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*Time-skip* (The day Law came to the Donquixote Family)

"Where has everyone been Doffy? They haven't been visiting me lately.. Especially the kids.." You walk over to him with sadness in your eyes. Were the kids tired of you already? Did they not want to hang out with you and enjoy your homemade hot cocoa? Doffy looks down at you with a frown and shakes his head. "A boy has popped up on the island." Doflamingo answered standing in his office near the window. "A boy..? Is he lost?" You ask while placing a cup of hot cocoa on Doffy's desk. "..The boy wants to join the family.." This answer left you in shock.

Such a small boy wants to join a group like the Donquixote family. The other kids only joined because Doflamingo had helped them, but a boy showing up is different.

"..I-I'm gonna go ahead and get the kids ready for bed. Just call me if you need anything." You quickly walk out of his office curious about the boy. "Where is his family? Maybe deceased.?" You ask yourself while trying to find Baby 5 and the others.

*Time-skip* (A couple days later)

You made your way up the stairs to the Waste Processing Plantation while searching for everyone. Right as you open the door you find a little boy with Diamanté and Trebol. You stare down at the little boy as he gives you a glare. "Is this the boy Doffy was talking about?" You ask, now getting down to the boy's height. "It's Young Master Y/n-Chan.." Diamanté corrected while staring at you. "Yeah,Yeah whatever.." you answer, smiling down at the boy. "What would your name be?" You stare down at him as he awkwardly looks away.

"Law.." He quietly answered right before Baby 5 and Buffalo barged in from the window. "Y/n-Chan! Diamanté-Sama! Trebol-Sama!" Both the kids exclaimed with a smile on their face. "What is it? Buffalo, Baby 5?" Diamanté asked while leaning back in his chair. "Cora-San came back!" She answered with a smile. Your eyes widen in excitement. "Cora's back? Already?" You ask with a smile on your face. She happily nods right when the door is pushed open. Corazon began to walk in but before he could he tripped on himself. You sweat drop at his actions.

"He tripped!" Baby 5 yelled, "We knew he was gonna trip-dasuyan!" Buffalo also exclaimed. The kids begin to laugh except for the little boy.

He's different..

You watch Corazon sit back up on the ground. You also observe the little boy watching Corazon. Suddenly Corazon slaps Baby 5 across the face making your jaw drop. It was a reoccurring thing but you still couldn't just not be shocked about it. At times like those you were actually frightened to yell at Corazon about it. You stayed quiet watching Baby 5 and Buffalo fall to the ground. Corazon sat in the chair next to Trebol and stayed quiet.

"Doffy doesn't care if you're a kid or not.. As long as you do things right you will get promoted." Trebol explained as you stand there in concern for the kids.

After awhile the kids got back up and left for a bit then came back.

"Corazon! I brought some of Y/n-Chan's leftover hot cocoa." Baby 5 walked over to him and handed it to him. Before you could tell him to blow he already burnt himself. He falls back in the chair causing all the drink to spill everywhere.

Everyone giggled as you let out a sigh. "Baby 5 you better clean that up!" You scold while she went to quickly get a bucket and mop.

Corazon didn't realize you were in the room and acted like nothing happened. "Corazon, did you finish your work without any trouble?" Diamanté asked, staring at Corazon. Corazon nods his head, while watching him you couldn't tell where he was looking because of his shades. "Your name is law, isn't it? This guy who just came in is an executive just like us." Diamanté presented while the boy stood there and looked at Corazon.

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