Unvoiced (7)

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*Flashback through the first year Law became an official Donquixote Family member*

(Not on the ship! We are at "Spider Miles" still)

"You need to stop smoking Cora. It's not good for you.." you try to reason. You stood in front of him with a mug of water in your hands. He sat in a large chair while putting a cigar in his mouth. "I swear you're too clumsy to be messing with a lighter." You attempt to walk away but before you could his jacket catches on fire. "CORA!" You quickly help the man by throwing your mug of water at him. He stared at you for a moment and awkwardly gets up.

"Cora, you need to be more careful!" You pull his jacket off and walked away to go wash it. "Y/n-Chan!!!" Baby 5's voice came from down the hall. You stop and look down the hall to find the 3 man group (Baby 5, Law and Buffalo). "Oh! You guys have been awfully quiet today." You comment with suspicion. There faces go from normal to worried. "W-What are you talking about?" Law asked with his usual glare.

"So there is something you guys are hiding.." you bend down to their height and smirk at them. They all flinch as you got closer to them. "H-Hiding what? Like a plan to change up Giolla's room? Pshhhh..." Baby 5 played it off "so good". "Oh really?" You ask with an evil smirk. Both the boys nudged Baby 5. "Baby 5! You messed up!-dasuyan!" Buffalo yelled at her. "I-I did not!" She argued back.

"I don't mind you guys doing it. Though I do need to see Law for a bit in my lab." You stare at the small boy. They all become curious of why you wanted to see him.  "I'll let him go once I'm done, it won't take longer than 15 minutes." You smile to them and stand up straight again. "Law you can go ahead and walk to my Lab. I have to clean Corazon's jacket." You begin to walk as he nods.

You could tell that the boy had suspicions. He is still so young and has very strict awareness. Not that it's bad that he has it but knowing what he went through that caused it was horrifying. You quickly clean and clip Corazon's jacket to a rack. "That should dry in an hour or two." You thought while walking out of the laundry room.

"Now to go see Law." You quickly walk to your Lab. You open the door to find the boy nowhere to be found. "Huh? Did he bail on me?" You ask yourself while walking around the laboratory. Suddenly you heard something fall to the ground. You walk over to find him snooping around the place. "Law be careful.." You pick up the plastic container he knocked down. "W-Why do you want to see me..?" He asked while glaring up at you. You smile to the boy and grab some files out of some cabinets. "I'll be helping you, or at least attempting to." You place the paper on the table.

You grab him a stool so he could sit on it. Once he looked comfortable you begin going through the steps. "This is project # 1269 | Model: Amber Lead Disease | Organism: Child | Age: 11 | Gender: Male | Height: 57.5 inch." You explain leaving him to be quite puzzled. You giggle at his reaction and place the papers in order. " I guess your father never explained to you about labeling.." You begin to write something down as Law watched.

He was amused by your work, seeing a doctor besides his parents made him curious. He wondered if you were one of the really good ones. He wondered if you could create the most valuable medicines. "Did I ever tell you.. I used to work with Marines?" You ask Law as his eyes widen. "You used to work for the marines??" He asked while leaning against the counter. "Yep! One of their best doctors. I created the medicine for the famous Rock disease." You say with a smile. His expression changed from curious to excitement.

"R-Really?! My father would talk about it all the time.." Law said, the change in tone made you smile. "Heh.. It was a difficult road. But I hope I can do the same to push through and help you Law." You place the papers back in a stack and look at the boy. "I'm going to make a cure for your disease.." You stare at him knowing you have to prepare for the worst. The boy saw determination in your eyes, never in his life has he seen someone that wanted to help him so much.

"How do we start?" Law asked, you could tell his stare was different now. It wasn't his cold, dark glare anymore. It was a curious little boy who was excited to see what's next. "I have to take a blood test first, then some skin. Even dry dead skin could work." You begin to get some needles out. The boy flinched at the sight.

"It'll be a quick prick! I can get some of your skin tomorrow." You place the needle on the table and grab an alcohol wipe. "Just relax Law.." you gently take the boys hand and rub it gently. You massage his arm until it became relaxed. "Alright Law ready?" You begin to wipe his arm with the alcohol wipe. He hesitantly nods his head while looking away.

Before he could even react the needle it was already out. "Did you do it?" He asked looking over at you. "Yup! I don't need much blood to test." You place the blood in a tube. "Alright, you're free now." You say while placing his blood in a fridge you had. "Actually.. Can I stay in here with you..?" He asked leaving you a shock.

"O-Of course you can Law!" You smile down to the boy. A slight pink grows on his cheeks as he awkwardly looked away.

I will make a cure for you Law..

Word count~ 1027

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