"Beyonce Knowles (Finance!) DO you think I will attain the titled of the Gyrating Empress?" I bit my lip to keep myself form laughing at her weird way of speaking, It was like she only spoke in definitions, and I don't know if I'll ever get used to that fully. I loved it though, it was one of the things that made her so unique to me. I just knew for a fact that nobody could ever handle her like I could.

      Especially not no white boy. I was still pissed off about that. he really tried to take what was mine and rightfully mine. If I could go and kill him again, I would. That was so disrespectful. Maybe I'm in the wrong, but I don't give a fuck. She was mine before she even knew it and what's already explained don't have to be understood.

    Tuh. he really tried to take my Girlfriend-Who-Don't-Know- She-My-Girlfriend Out. He had so much nerve. I hate whites. If she would've gone on that reward trip for the project with him, I would've killed somebody.

      Luckily, she passed the reward off to somebody else. I turned back to her, and I realized that I was zoned out all this time. "Yeah, Bae. I think you'll win." She better, or I'm gonna have to kill the prom queen and the administrators. I didn't feel like doing that today. I wanted a break.  Plus, Onika made me take my medicine today and it's not like I could do it without asking for her permission. She really domesticated the fuck out of me. II don't know, I guess I liked that bossy type. especially when it's her.

 The announcer started on the microphone. "Alright Class of 2022! Let's hear it for our prom Court!"

      Everyone started cheering and I rolled my eyes. I wanted to hurry up and get home. I wanted to fuck, and they were taking too long. Onika looked in anticipation as the red off the names of some people. Danielle won Prom Princess and we all clapped for her. Abel won prince too. They got their sashes. It was nice. 

  It was time to announce Prom Queen and King, I wasn't really worried. I only wanted Onika to win. Our friends had crowded around us as we watched in anticipation, they were so excited. This reminds me of the time we came into the lunchroom, and they started cheering, Dramatic asses. The announcer cleared his throat. I think he was assistant principal or something.

"And our Prom King Is... Well, this is um interesting? Beyonce' Knowles!" I raised my eyebrow. 

Everyone started whistling and cheering. For real? I guess my threats worked. I didn't really give a fuck if I was King or not. I looked to Onika and she was cheering. Awe, she was happy for me.

"Yes! My Finance has attained the title of Gyrating Emperor!" She had her fist in the air and was trying to jump. Not too much though, I don't want my babies to be shaking in her stomach. I Kissed Onika's cheek and strolled up to the stage. I'm surprised people were even cheering the way they was dogging me earlier. They were probably only doing it because I was with Onika. Fake.

  They put my sash and crown on as I nodded and waved. The announcer asked me if I wanted to say anything about my win and I just snatched the microphone. I cleared my throat. "Thanks Ya'll. Shoutout Onika, Thas' my baby. Yall can come to the wedding by the way. It's after graduation. I gave the microphone back and the venue erupted into cheers. I smiled seeing Onika In the crowd cheering at the free invite.

   The announcer stated again. "And the Prom Queen is.... drumroll please..." Everyone was tense in anticipation, meanwhile I was adjusting my pants on the stage. Onika was looking for too good tonight. She was smiling up at me. In the most beautiful gown, looking the most gorgeous. That was my Princess, or rather Queen in this case.

"Onika Maraj!" I'd never heard such a loud roar of cheers. 

   I smiled. That was my baby, and I'm so glad she got what she wanted. Her eyes widened, and I came down form the stage to help her up. She was in shock the whole time as the two girls put the sash and crown on her. I put my arm around her waist. Everyone marveled at how good we looked together. She bent down a little and help the corn with both of her hands, smiling.

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