However, there's no hesitation in Zarius's answer. Only sincerity. "Whatever that you want us to be, that will be it."

"And your mate?"

"She will understand."

Suddenly, I feel like kissing him.

Avery, Leo, Gramps and Maddie's parents... Their unfortunate deaths tell me I should cherish my time now. Everything about this world has gone beyond our control. Even my feelings. When will I ever get another chance like this to be honest with myself?

And so, I've decided that I'm going to live everyday like it's my last.

Just as I lean in, he does the same.

I've never been kissed until now. I used to think kisses were disgusting and sloppy, because I've seen boys gnawing at their girlfriends' faces.

However, Zarius is proving me wrong.

His kiss is soft and warm, slowly growing from tender to eagerness. He even nibbles on my bottom lip. My heart was about to combust earlier but now, I think I'm going to shoot up like fireworks.

He breaks the kiss far too soon and pulls away, leaving me breathless. The spark of desire in his eyes sets my innermost soul on fire, enough to burn me alive. My lips, although now untouched, are still searing with heat. 

Between us, our fingers intertwine and it feels so natural and right.

So this is what defines us now–lovers.

A flurry of footsteps comes up behind us—Maddie. She's carrying a bag filled with Mom's clothes that she can fit in, since their physiques are almost similar; slim and tall. Mia appears right behind her, clutching at her hand.

Maddie clears her throat at us and I realize that I've gotten too close to Zarius; our hands still interlocked and shoulders touching. I move away from him instinctively.

"Ready to leave?" she asks.

I stand and dust the dirt off my pants. "Yeap, just let me grab my stuff. Are we heading back?"

"If the military is here, we should head back to school," Maddie says. "They might have arrived by now. If we meet them, we could figure out what they really want and what they did to Aunt Roxie. Rey said they are coming to save us and I don't think that's entirely a lie, because why would his father do that? Or are there two different groups we're facing right now?"

I nod slowly in understanding until a worrying thought crosses my mind. "We should, but first, there's another place which I need to drop by. Do you know where Jace lives?"

I know Jace has gone to look for his family, and I wonder what has happened to that. If he hasn't reunited with them, I'm worried that he's traveling alone. It's better if he sticks with us. We can survive together and watch out for each other's safety.

"I don't know the exact address, but I believe it's somewhere on Wild Dunes Way. Shall we search around that area?"

I heave my backpack over my shoulders. "Sure. Let's get going before night falls."

And I pray hard that we find Jace there. Not his dead body, but him alive and breathing.


Bidding goodbye to my home breaks my heart. Every inch of the house lies a memory of my life. To part with this place, which is now half ruined, is like severing a part of myself. A tear slips off my cheek and I hurriedly turn away before my emotions choke me up.

I know that if we stay too long, I might never want to leave.

"Let's go."

We leave once Maddie breaks into a neighbor's house to get their car keys. She starts the engine and waits for us to get in.

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