"I'm fine. I was just thinking about my life in USA and got a bit carried away. " She explained.

" Was it that bad that you started crying?" Taehyung asked and surprisingly there was concern in his voice.

"Are you concerned about lil old me? " She teased.

" Don't change the topic Y/n." He said sternly.

Y/n sighed, " No, it wasn't. It was pretty great to be honest, almost perfect to be honest. "

" Then why did you look like you would burst out crying? " Yoongi asked confused.

" I loved it there. I was surrounded by the people I loved, the people who loved me, my family, my friends. It was perfect until my mother's inflated ego came in between all that."

" What do you mean your mothers ego came in between all that? " RM asked.

" She divorced my dad and was ready to leave us with our father and then I don't know what happened, she snapped, I think it was the fact both me and my brother wanted to be with Dad, if not then I don't know the reason, she decided she wants to take me with her. She made all sorts of excuses at the court about how every girl needs her mother in their lives and some other shit and I don't know, how in hell, she got my custody and brought me to Busan. I was alone there for two years, she didn't even talk to me. I don't remember talking to her more than 15 minutes in total in two years. I missed them, I still do. A lot. " Y/n ranted frustrated and a tad bit sad.

All the boys look at her sadly. She took in all their expressions and snapped, " I don't need your pity. "

They looked shocked even Y/n at her own tone and sighed, " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. I get uncharacteristically angry when it comes to my mother. Sorry. " She looks guilty at them.

Boys looked at her and realised that she was being genuine.
"It's alright. " They all spoke softly and smiled to which she returned with a small one of her own.

"But why doesn't she like you or Minjun ? " Jungkook asked the question which everyone was thinking.

Y/n suddenly become tensed at looked at them uncomfortably, thinking whether or not to tell them. She knew she could trust them, so she took the chance.

" Cause we were forced upon her? " She said in a small voice.

"WHAT?!! " All the boys shouted together making her flinch. Their eyes soften at that.

" What do you mean you were forced upon her? " Jin asked softly while giving her a side hug.

" My mother and Dad's marriage was an arranged by their parents. Both of them were against it, mom more so cause she a had a boyfriend at the time, but they couldn't do anything against their parents. And the main reason of was of course to give heirs to both the family, seeing my mom and dad were only child of each of their parents. So, we weren't born out of love but under pressure of our grandparents on our parents. Dad has always loved both of us unconditionally and with everything he has got, hell he eventually got to love mombie dearest, but mom, never. The first thing our mom did after giving birth to us was to tell dad that she has completed role by giving both the families not only one but two heirs and wants no other part in anything and that she hates us, which we got to see in future. Me and Minjun, we were so hurt when we got to know for the first time but to soothed with time and now we don't give a damn about it. " She told them.

"How old were you when you found out?" Yoongi asked.


"Jeez! " Eveyone exclaimed.

Y/n just shrugged her shoulders and gave them a sad smile.

" Don't worry you've got us now. I know you can protect yourself and everything but if you want to talk anything or want anything or even want someone to hear as you ramble we are here. We are your brothers, we are with you in whatever you do, we are here and as out favourite Captain America and Bucky say ' Till the end of the line'. " Jk told comforting his sister.

Y/n let out a teary laugh as she heard him, " Only you would give an Avengers reference at a moment like this. "

Jungkook shrugged, " At least I made you laugh. "

" On a serious note, we are your family, your brothers, we won't leave you. We are here for you, always. " J-hope commented.

" All of us are. " Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin added together.

Y/n squinted her eyes playfully at them, " You guys aren't saying this because you feel sympathy for me, are you? " She joked but there was a hint of seriousness in it.

" Of course not. " All three of them exclaimed.

Y/n just laughed and pulled everyone in a group hug.

Hey guys!! I hope everyone is safe and happy. And sorry for making you guys wait. I had a lot of ideas on what go write but wasn't able to decide on what I wanted to write, so I made a random chapter and revealed why
Y/n's mother hates her and Minjun.


The truth about BTS's real job will be revealed to Y/n in next chapter. Expect a really long next chapter with loads of drama and action in the future. Vote if you like the chapter, also comment your opinions on the story and as I have told you I don't mind if they are positive or negative.

Also check out the other books I'm writing if you are interested in Harry Potter or Avengers.

Thank you! Enjoy!

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