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Closing the door of the car, I walk towards my house with Malin next to me only to see Jakoda and Tk sitting on the front steps. Malin and I exchange puzzled glances as they both rise to their feet, coming to me and we do our customary handshake. "What are you two idiots doing in my house at this time of the night?"

"We're here to find out how your first date went, look at you smiling like a fool." Jakoda taps my shoulder playfully and I swat his hand away in annoyance making him wince. I hate being teased.

The four of us enter the house and I pick the bowls my dad usually keeps food for me in whenever I'm late to come back home. This time I find them all empty and already washed, sparkling clean. Turning around to face my friends, only Jakoda looks away in guilt. "You ate my food." I drop the bowl back on the table, taking long strides towards him as he takes some back.

"I couldn't resist more of your dad's cooking even after he gave me some, alot actually." He backs away more, trying to get away from me. "Try and understand me on this."

"You're always eating our food, you're never satisfied with yours."

I prepare egg and avacado sandwiches for myself, eating them with the leftover pumpkin soup my dad cooked earlier tonight. I end up sharing the dinner with my friends who are always hungry for my food and never allow me eat in peace. I don't mind though, I love having them around. Picking one of the sandwiches, I look up finding all their curious eyes on me, gleaming with anticipation. "So now, tell us, how did your first date tonight go?" Jakoda asks and I simply smile, not answering his question. If I tell them how it was, they're going to tease me for who knows how long and I despise being teased.

"You're smiling constantly. This is so fucking weird." Tk mutters and the three of them laugh at me. I hate these jerks so much.

"It was fantastic." I whisper and swear under my breath as the three idiots clap their hands in excitement, tapping me on the shoulder still laughing and celebrating. "I took Mia to a small open air restaurant and we had dinner there which she kept saying was delicious and couldn't stop eating. She actually had two servings." I narrate to them and they nod, listening keenly. "Even though she clearly enjoyed the food, I still think a small restaurant like that isn't her type of place, you know. I mean she's used to five star luxury restaurants and dishes and I can't afford all that. This was my first date ever and I wanted it to be perfect and be the start of great and happy memories for Mia and I together but I ended up ruining and messing it up. I'm such a loser."

My three bestfriends sigh heavily, their eyes still on me as the four of us are engulfed in silence.

"I don't think Mia cares about those types of shit." Malin breaks the silence lingering among us. "Yes, she has grown up in riches, privilege and luxury but she still loves and appreciates the simple joys of life. As long as the food is delicious and she has you by her side to enjoy it with, that's enough for her. It doesn't matter to her if the restaurant is small or a five star luxury one. She's a woman of depth and substance, someone who values authenticity and connection above all else."

Jakoda and Tk nod agreeing with him. It's not always the grand things in life that make one happy. Fancy restaurants, luxury cars or five star meals and cuisines, they don't hold much emphasis. What matters the most is having that special someone to enjoy the moments with.

"You guys have no fucking idea how spoilt Mia is and I don't know how I'm going to deal with that shit. The other day she didn't want to wear her dress because she isn't used to wearing the same dress twice in a row or repeatedly. Apparently, she has personal stylists who buy lots of outfits for her. Tonight on our date, she refused to walk a ten minute walk, insisting that we take a taxi instead because she isn't used to walking. She's spoilt rotten, my friends." I tell the three of them and they burst out laughing. "I want to spoil Mia too because she's going to be my woman but not to that extent. I won't always be giving in to her like everyone else does."

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