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Aria and I climb on the soft, plush bed, our hands carefully cradling the warm red ceramic mugs of hot chocolate. The rich aroma of cocoa wafts in the air, mingling with the sweet scent of melting snowman marshmallows. The mugs are adorned with festive snowman designs, their cheerful faces floating atop the steaming liquid and bobbing gently in the velvety sea. My mum, knowing my love for hot chocolate, has taken her time to make these delightful treats for us. Each sip is full of flavour and pleasure, the sweetness dancing on my taste buds and warming me up from inside out. "Your Christmas socks look funny." Aria laughs pointing at the red Christmas socks I'm wearing. They have jolly santas, reindeers and sparkling snowflakes printed on them, truly funny and cute.

The fabric is soft and cozy, hugging my feet with warmth and enveloping my skin im a delicate embrace while the whimsical patterns add an extra touch of holiday cheer. "They're cute though, I bought seven pairs because I loved them. Three pairs are for you, by the way." Rising from the bed, I make my way into the walk in closet, come back out with her new socks, throwing them to her.

In excitement she slides her feet into the socks, a comforting sensation washing over her as she smiles hugging me. "Thank you so much." She sinks her toes deeper into its plush depths, unable to resist.

"You're welcome." I climb back on the bed taking a long sip of the hot chocolate and  eating bite after bite of the golden brown walnut brownies.

"Since you were so busy yesterday, we couldn't watch the movie we planned on watching, so we're doing it today." Aria smiles mischievously at me and I laugh knowing what she's talking about. I was out all day yesterday with Lucas buying Christmas gifts for our loved ones and spending time together. "We're watching White chicks, trust me, it's hilarious." She puts on the movie and we start watching while drinking our hot chocolate, sharing the brownies. "You and Lucas have been hanging out alot these days. I'm happy for you. He's a great man."

"You're right about that. When I'm with Lucas I don't have to pretend to be what I'm not. With him, I'm completely myself with all my imperfections and flaws. He doesn't judge me, he sees me for who I truly am. He's okay with the mess that I am and I'm okay with the mess that he is. That's what real friends do, we accept each other's imperfections. You know what Aria, in a world that often pressures us to conform to certain standards and expectations, having a friend like Lucas is truly invaluable. He understands that being messy and imperfect is part of being human and embraces it wholeheartedly."

Aria smiles holding my hand and squeezing gently. "Did you talk to him about your feelings for him. How did it go?"

"I tried. I even told him how much I've been thinking about him, every single night but he took it as a mere joke. He didn't believe me and dismissed it like it's nothing. I'm afraid of confessing my feelings more to him now. I don't know how he will react. I'm afraid he'll push me away and I don't want that to happen."

Aria squeezes my hand tighter, hugging me warmly. "Don't think too much about it. Everything is going to work out in it's own time."

I nod picking my mug of hot chocolate. I'm glad Aria is here with me right now, assuring me that everything will be fine. Her presence alone brings me solace, as if she carries with her a gentle breeze that soothes my troubled thoughts. "I love you, Aria, and I'm endlessly grateful to have you in my life." I utter to her. I can't even remember the last time I told my bestfriend how much I love her. We've been by each other's side for years yet I never tell her how much she means to me. She has been my rock through the highs and lows of life, a constant presence that has weathered the storms alongside me. She has been there to celebrate my triumphs, wipe away my tears during moments of despair and offer words of wisdom when I falter.

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