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The grand ballroom abuzz with excitement is filled with famous and influential individuals from various industries who have gathered here, dressed in their finest attire. Renowned actors and actresses, fashion designers, influential politicians and successful entrepreneurs all mingling together. Requests from the fashion designers come pouring in, offering me lucrative opportunities to model their latest collections and it's a bittersweet dilemma to me. On one hand, I'm flattered that my talent and reputation still holds weight in the industry and on the other hand, I'm steadfast in my decision to leave modelling behind. When I made the decision to quit, it was a difficult one as I had invested a huge portion of my life and identity into my modelling career. Deep down I knew stepping away from the world of glamour is the best decision for my personal growth and happiness. The allure of the runway and fame no longer holds power over me. I've moved on from that phase of my life and chosen a different path. So as the requests from the fashion designers continue to pour in, I kindly decline all of them, knowing that I've closed that chapter.

As I wearily make my way back to the table, the strain on my feet intensifies with each step I take, the black suede high heels now feeling like instruments of torture. This night has left me emotionally drained and physically exhausted. Tommy and my friends are engrossed in a conversation, their laughter echoing in the room as I take a seat at the table. After Lucas stopped dancing with me and left the room, he has now vanished into the night and I haven't seen him since. His departure has left me with a deep longing in my heart for his return. As my mind races, I keep asking myself questions, where could he be? Is he okay?

As my mind floods with endless questions, a waiter arrives placing plates of food before us. The tantalizing aroma of the freshly prepared cuisine permeates the air, momentarily distracting me from my inner turmoil. However as I gaze down at my plate, disappointment wells up within me. Instead of the comforting sight of succulent chicken I'm craving for, I'm met with a plate of roasted butter nut squash salad, the vibrant colours of vegetables moking my desires. The universe is definitely conspiring against me tonight because everything around me is taking an unexpected turn.

I'm in the mood for chicken tonight, not a fucking salad. So I let it sit there, symbolizing everything I don't want tonight. I yearn for something warm, soft and comforting, a dish that can soothe my troubled soul. The chicken I was hoping for would have provided that solace, its tender meat and savoury flavours offering me a temporary respite from the emotional rollercoaster I've found myself on.

Jakoda and Lucas approach the table and it's the first time I'm seeing Lucas since he walked out, his presence immediately commanding attention. My heart quickens its pace as his intense gaze locks onto me, a wave of emotions washing over me and leaving my throat dry, my mind racing to find the right words. Lila, with her ever perceptive nature, catches the tension between Lucas and I. A mischievous smirk dances on her lips as she redirects her gaze from me to Lucas. "I want more wine, so hurry up with it." Her words cut through the momentary silence, her tone dripping with entitlement.

Lucas's expression morphs instantaneously from neutral to hostile and cold, the hard lines etched on his face revealing a simmering anger beneath the surface. His eyes narrow at Lila, his jaw clenching and a fleeting flicker of resentment passing through his gaze. "I already brought it." He points at the bottle of wine on the table, managing to maintain his composure.

"I need you to go back in there and bring more wine for me, be fast, waiter." Lila remains unaffected by the palpable tension now at the table that she has stirred. She continues shoveling forkfuls of salad into her mouth, her lips curling into an evil smile as she relishes the discomfort she has caused with her mere presence and demands.

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