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Straightening the white beanie I have on that's covering all my tousled hair, I smooth out the fabric ensuring it's neatly covering my head, obscuring my recognizable features. My attention then shifts to the black oversized gothic tshirt draping over my torso and allowing me to blend into the shadows, unnoticed by prying eyes. The white baggy shorts are hanging loosely from my waist. Completing my ensemble is a pair of white sneakers. Today, I've decided to alter my style so I don't get recognized in public. So now there won't be photographers following me everywhere and taking random pictures of Lucas and I. I want to fade into the background and become just another face in the crowd, free from the burdens of celebrity. I also don't want my dad to find out that I'm still hanging out with him.

"How do I look?" I turn on the driver's seat facing Aria who is on the passenger seat busy sipping on my strawberry latte that she snatched from me. She instantly goes silent just staring at me in awe like it's the first time she's seeing me. I probably look like a tomboy now with this outfit I have on. "Use your words, damn it." I end up startling her and she laughs still gazing at me from head to toe.

"You look different, a good different. Everything you put on suits you, we all know that. You're a fabulous goddess." She answers, her gaze lingering on me and her admiration shining through her eyes.

Rolling my eyes I pick my phone seeing Lucas's text appearing on the screen, informing me of where he is so I can go meet him. We're going Christmas shopping together for gifts. I just hope there won't be awkwardness between us because of what happened last night in the dimly lit alleyway. The memories of what happened are still flooding my mind and replaying like a vivid movie.

I still can't believe I went down on him. I get so bold when drunk, it's crazy. The way Lucas responded to my touches, I couldn't resist pleasuring him and yearning to touch him all over. His moans, grunts, whispers and eyes gazing deep into mine, the way he gripped a handful of my hair pushing me to take all of him in my mouth. It was my first time going down on a guy and I enjoyed it so much. The roughness and softness in his voice all at the same time had me on my knees in an instant.

He drives me crazy.

"What are you fantasizing about right now." Aria playfully nudges my shoulder and I turn to face her. "You're even biting your lip and smiling to yourself. Wait." She turns on her seat facing me this time, her big eyes widening in realization and she leans closer, her excitement palpable. "Did something happen last night between you and Lucas. I know this look on your face and it has him written all over it. Tell me everything, I need all the details. All of it."

"Why're you assuming that it's him, maybe it's some other man." I shrug and she rolls her eyes at me.

"You like Lucas. It's evident so don't deny it." Her statement shocks me, my heart hammering against my chest. Is it that obvious?

"How do you know that I like him?" I ask curiously earning a blank look from her this time.

"Really?" Aria settles herself more comfortably in her seat as she looks straight at me. "Okay, where do I start. Your eyes light up when Lucas is around. You smile and laugh more. Sometimes you dress up to look sexy for him. When he texts you, you leap to get to your phone. You're always talking about him and daydreaming about you two together. Just the sound of his name sends chills down your spine, something which happens alot. You even sing for the man just to make him smile and happy. You worry about him when he's not okay and you're always trying your best to be there for him. You're ready to do anything and risk it all just to be with him. I mean look at yourself right now, you're in disguise just so you can go be with him. Are those enough reasons for you or do you still need more?" She smiles at me as I remain silent not knowing what to say.

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