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My friends, Aria and I burst out laughing as Jakoda narrates how the girl he hooked up with last night left him with blue balls. Mia is next to me leaning against the car as well, the corners of her usually vibrant eyes bearing hints of exhaustion as if she's silently battling her inner thoughts and her attention focused on a realm far beyond the present moment, lost in a labyrinth of her own thoughts. The lines on her forehead, usually smoothed by carefree laughter, now portray a subtle furrow, hinting at the depth of her worries. I know that this night has been terrible for us all but it feels like something else is bothering her that I'm not aware of. She's not her usual rowdy, loud and goofy self, instead she's quiet. As I stand beside her, a whirlwind of questions and concerns fill my mind. What could be troubling her?

I find myself yearning to reach out to her, to understand the turmoil that has rendered her silent. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods with a weak smile avoiding my eyes. It's clear to me that something is troubling her and my familiarly with her character tells me that she's not being entirely honest with her response. "It's getting late, do you want me to give you a ride back home?" She shakes her head this time still not uttering a word. Her silence continues, leaving me more worried about her. I turn my attention to Aria hoping she might shed some light on what's bothering her bestfriend, but Aria simply shrugs, indicating that she either doesn't know or is unwilling to tell me.

Jakoda, Tk and Malin exchange glances before their attention shift back to Mia. Jakoda, with his amber eyes and furrowed brow, leans in closer, his expression a mixture of curiosity and worry. Tk, in his calm demeanor and thoughtful gaze, joins him, his head slightly tilted as he observes Mia. Malin, the emphatic soul he is, looks genuinely concerned, his voice lowering to a whisper as he expresses his worry to me. "Something is obviously bothering her. She's never this quiet," Something is definitely amiss. Mia, usually known for her infectious laughter, is now distant and lost in her own thoughts. Her usually spark has been dimmed, like a flickering candle struggling to maintain its flame.

"Guys, it's getting late, so I should take my leave." Aria embraces Mia tightly, whispering something in her ear before hurrying to her car where her driver is already waiting.

As I hurriedly chase after her, my voice echoes through the air, desperate to catch her attention. Finally she yields to my plea and halts, slowly turning around to face me. "What the hell is wrong with your bestfriend? It's like she's gone mute or something," I blurt out, unable to contain my frustration any longer. Yet, instead of responding with words, she breaks into laughter that carries a tinge of melancholy. Her gaze shifts past me, fixing on Mia who has wrapped her arms around herself, seeking solace.

Sensing my confusion, Aria takes a moment to collect herself before speaking. "It's not in my place to tell you," she says softly. "Just talk to Mia. I'm sure she'll tell you herself exactly what's bothering her."

Her answer only deepens my worry, leaving me with a flurry of questions. Why is Mia so withdrawn and wrapped in her own emotional cocoon. The weight of the unknown settles on me, urging me towards Mia and compelling me to seek the truth from her own lips.

Tk insists on walking Aria the rest of the way to her car. His action speaks louder than words, revealing his desire to prolong the time he gets to be around her and in her company. His eyes that are always filled a playful glint, now hold an intensity as he gazes at Aria. He's captivated by her presence, studying every movement, every detail, as though trying to etch her image into his memory. Aria, on the other hand, is unaware of Tk's admiration. As her footsteps echo softly against the pavement, she walks with a delicate grace, her steps measured and purposeful. The soft glow of the streetlights cast a gentle halo around her, accentuating her features and giving her an almost ethereal glow. Considering how Tk has been occasionally stealing glances at her and admiring her all night, he's developing a huge crush on her.

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