"Without you I couldn't function well "

Start from the beginning

"Stan it's not a glitch, Mr.Styles really is my boyfriend. I mean—"

"Louis no! This cannot happen! That guy's an alien and-and a monster! He makes you work so much you cannot possibly fall in love with that guy!"

"Hey! It's nothing like that, I mean obviously he makes me work harder but that's because I was his secretary, besides it's not even—Stan I'll tell you the entire story once I'm back, 'Kay?" He sighs,

"Okay whatever the fuck is going on you better return back and tell me every tiny detail. Just....are you okay, Louis?" Louis smiles at the worry, "I'm fabulous. Promise."

"Okay then good, it's good. If anything's wrong, I don't really care how rich Mr.Styles is we're filing a lawsuit."

And this makes Louis realise that he's one lucky motherfucker to have friends like his, even though Liam and Zayn didn't said anything about lawsuits they both were ready to kidnap Harry and beat him to pulp which Louis had to laugh and oppose to.

Harry's not bad....he's actually a nice person. Of course he is, Louis really hadn't expected him to be this softy at heart but he showed that other than the Cold and ruthless side of Harry there's a man who loves to get cuddled by his mother, a man who loves to spend time with his dad, a man who does his best to be with his family.

"Alright Stan, will do. But I'm telling you, Harry's not like that."

"I'm so ignoring the fact that you just called our boss by his first name for the sake of my sanity." Louis giggles and then hears the sound of footsteps which makes him turn around and watch the person who was the topic of their conversation.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Bye." He cuts the call and smiles at Harry who smiles back before sitting beside Louis. "Who was that?"

"Stan." A crease forms between Harry's eyebrows, "Stanley Lucas from office." Recognition fills his green eyes and he nods, "I didn't realise you two were that close." Harry says and there's a sharp edge to his words which makes Louis wonder what's wrong.

"What did you do today?" He asks hoping to lighten the mood, "Nothing much, just went in the market to take a look at the new antic shop which dad's investing on and then had a drink or two with his friends. What did you do?" Louis' brows raise when Harry throws an arm over his shoulder but as you could see Louis' a massive cuddler, he cannot for the life of him deny one so he just cuddles further.

"We went to see the market as well but the fashion side, after shopping some clothes for Gemma we ate and roam around, your mother is a great host." Harry hums, "She is. I brought you something."

"Huh?" He asks with his heart fluttering in his ribcage, "Yeah...'ts not somethin' big, just a pretty thing I thought would look even prettier on you." Louis' cheeks heat and his stomach fills up with butterflies when Harry digs his hands in his pocket before revealing a small butterfly clip,

"I found this at the antic shop, it was pretty so I brought it for you." Harry mumbles and it's so silly that even the smallest things done by someone you like could make you feel so worthy and so dumb that all you could feel and hear is them.

"It's beautiful." Louis whispers holding the indeed very beautiful clip, "It is." Louis flutters his lashes up to see Harry intently eyeing him, "Can I wear it now?"

"You can wear it whenever you want. It's yours." Louis grins and twists his fringe before pushing the pin in his hair, "Thank you so much, Haz."

"Haz? Is that a nickname I hear?" Louis blushes and shrugs, "If you don't like it we can always call you Mr.Grumpy."

"Nah I think I'd rather stick to the beautiful nickname you gave me, darling." Louis huffs a giggle and looks ahead, "This river looks spooky at night but right now it's quite romantic and peaceful." He mumbles and Harry hums.

"It is."

"I've always been scared of lakes and rivers at night .... We —back at home one of my sisters had fell into one while playing; thankfully nothing bad happened to her but her screams still haunt me bringing flashbacks of that night. Hence my fear." He says.

"How many siblings do you have?" Louis smiles at that, "Seven including me. I've got Lottie as the second eldest, Fizzy as third. The twins, Daisy and Phoebe and then Doris and Ernest, my brother as the last." Harry whistles at that, "Woah that's a lot."

"It is it is. But like it's said the more the merrier, I miss them FaceTiming don't do enough justice. I miss my mum too." He sniffs feeling emotional remembering his family,

"I'm sorry." Louis frowns and tilts his face to look at Harry who's got a solemn look on his face, "Why?"

"My previous secretaries weren't like you, most of them were old but when I hired someone as young as you I was unsure, after some months, it was like I got used to you, without you I couldn't function well and because of my selfishness I gave you less holidays.....it's bad of me and because of that you aren't able to spend time with your family. You must hate me for being an arsehole." Louis smiles and ignore the fluttering in his heart at Harry's words about not functioning well, obviously the man meant in the office still.

"I did... and let me tell you, whenever I went home for Christmas, my hands would twitch to do something, I would be restless as hell because I needed a laptop or my phone to work. My mum had lectured me about it....so I guess we both are workaholics. Though I must say you made me one." Harry chortles when Louis punches his arm.

"Should we go in now?" Harry asks probably noticing the goosebumps on Louis' skin from the cold wind, "Look at your skin, god how cold do you get?" Louis glares and wears his shirt but since the material was cotton, it did nothing to help his shivering.

"Cmon up you get." Harry stands first pulling Louis with him. They both walk inside the mansion, Louis pouting inwardly because wasn't Harry suppose to be all hero and remove his own jacket to cover Louis? Fuck movies and fuck Louis' overdramatic brain.

"Wha—" he gets cut off because Harry's shoving him to a pillar before kissing him, his lips hot against Louis' and the boy moans in shock, hands fisting Harry's shirt as he kisses back. Their tongues slid against each other, Louis whining when Harry scrapes his teeth on the bottom lip.

"PDA much, dude control yourself there are senior citizens in here who might get a heart attack." Gemma comments making Louis squeal as he pushes Harry off of him, the man blinking dazedly before clearing his throat to stare at Gemma, who's eyeing them boredly,

"Stop creeping on us like some stalker."

"Hey it's not my fault your dumb brain can't be cautious enough to cover your shivering boyfriend's body! I thought you were more romantic than that. Geez." Louis with dark heated cheeks pushes past the quarrelling siblings, "Haz, you coming to our room?" He asks in a breathless whisper, He could care for shit if his eyes are blown or his voice is needy.

Gemma mutters something but leaves noticing the tension between her baby brother and his partner, Louis moves first but Harry follows faster as the moment they are in their room, Louis' being pulled towards a hard body. Their mouths connecting again.

"Next time, if there's more acting you gotta warn me first. Don't kiss me without any warnings." He mumbles biting Harry's lips who groans squeezing Louis' waist. "Tomorrow there's going to a soirée.... We need to be more into this. Get ready. We're going for a drink tonight with my family." Louis hums tilting his head for Harry's lips to explore, he shudders deliciously when the man nibbles his collarbone.

When they pull apart, they both are messes. Flushed cheeks and messed up hair, red swollen lips exhaling softly.

Louis clenches his fist before going on his tiptoes to kiss Harry once more, when they pull apart he whispers against his lips, "Thank you."

"What for?"

"For the pretty clip and for bringing me here." With that he sways into the shower.

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