Not Okay

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~Ems' POV~

"Who?" I asked Eddie, hoping I had misheard him.

"They say their name is Honey" he said again, handing the phone to me.

I took a deep breath before putting on a fake smile and answering the phone.

"Hello, this is Ems" I said into the phone. I heard a breath on the line as if she was holding it in. I waited a second with not saying anything. I was about to speak again when she spoke up.

"Ems, hi. I'm sorry to drop in on you like this. I wanted to know how you were doing" she said to me. I rolled my eyes at her words.

"I'm fine. Is there a specific thing you needed? Or did you just want to chit chat, because I'm a little busy today. You didn't call at a very good time" I said in an annoyed tone. I looked over at Eddie. He wiggled his eyebrows making me giggle.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I shouldn't have left you like that. You needed someone and I wasn't there for you" I heard her say. Months ago that would've meant something. It didn't mean anything now.

"Thank you for apologizing, but I have moved on, Honey. I had someone else to help me during that time. We've grown closer each day. And I found my best friend again. I don't think my life could get better right now. I have to go. Please don't call this number again."

I hung up the phone and took another deep breath. I turned to Eddie and didn't say anything. I walked to him and hugged him tightly around his torso. He hugged me back and buried his head in my hair for a moment.

"That was Bliss' ex guitarist and my ex girlfriend" I said to him after a moment. Eddie didn't say anything in response. He just held me closer for a moment.

We pulled away after a few minutes. I looked up at Eddie and smiled. He smiled back at me and leaned in to kiss me. I met him half way. The feeling of his lips against mine felt like heaven.

"Let's go back to the couch, unless you'd like to head to the bedroom" Eddie said after pulling away, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hm, I think there was something I had to tend to in the bedroom. Would you like to accompany me, Edward?" I asked jokingly.

"Of course, Miss Emelia. Lead the way."

I giggled as I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom.

~Chris' POV~

Sitting back on my couch, I slightly strummed the guitar in my hands. A lot was changing.

Ems and Eddie got together, and that was good. But there was still a large part of me that felt like I really missed something there. I mean Ems is an amazing person. She's sweet and funny, she would help me write songs every day, and she helped make me a better person. I miss coming home to her and seeing her walking around in nothing but my flannels.

I shook the thought of her out of my head and continued strumming my guitar. I couldn't sit around and just think of her all day. She's my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

The sound of the phone ringing brought me completely out of my thoughts. I sighed and made my way towards the phone.

"Hello, Cornell residence" I said into the phone, laughing slightly at myself. Ems used to do that all the time, I just continued it.

"Hey, Chris?'

"Yeah this is Chris, who's this?"

"Hey, um, it's Honey. I was calling to see if you knew anything about Ems? I called her and she didn't want to talk to me"

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter.

"If she didn't want to talk to you, what makes you think I would tell you anything?"

I was getting tired of the conversation. I was annoyed at the thought of Honey coming back and fucking stuff up.

"I just wanted to know I didn't ruin her. I've felt awful about what happened and wanted to make it right" she said after a few seconds of silence.

I sighed before speaking again.

"Look, you messed up, but that's the past. She's moved on and is finally happy. We've had a hell of a year, but we're all doing great now. Bliss is getting an album and Stone and Jeff found a singer for a new band. Everyone is good. Please don't come around and fuck that up."

"I'll try not to. I'm back in Seattle though. I missed the scene really. Missed you guys. Do you think it would be okay if I went to a Bliss show?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe someone could betray their friends and then expect them to just take her back afterwards.

"No. I don't think that would be okay."

I quickly hung up the phone after saying that. I was so angry at Honey for even suggesting that. I was even more angry because I knew she planned on doing it no matter what I said.

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