Cult of Bliss

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We quickly arrived at the studio and Chris led me inside. I smiled at River when I saw them and they came over to give me a hug.

"Hey kid, would you be up for auditioning today?" River asked with a smile on their face. I smiled back but before I could answer, Chris spoke up.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea, I mean, Ems you had a pretty rough morning" he said, a look of worry on his face. I smiled at him and shook my head. I told him I could do it. He smiled down at me and put his hand on my back. It wasn't in a couple-y way, but I could tell some of the guys thought that. Kim was there, even though Soundgarden didn't need to be, and he cocked an eyebrow up at us. 

I walked up to River's band. I hadn't met them all yet, but I was so excited to.

"Hi guys! I'm Ems, I'm from San Diego, and I'm ready to rock" I said jokingly as an introduction. They looked at me for a second before I was met with two smiling people.

"I think you're just what we need" the one said to me. "But first we have to see if you can sing. I'm Derek, but they all call me D."

I smiled and held out my hand for him to shake. Then the girl next to him stood to speak to me. "I'm Hunter, but everyone calls me Honey" she smiled at me and held out her hand to shake. Wow. She was just, wow.

I smiled and shook her hand. I was then led over to the recording room and told to wait just a moment. Everyone stood outside of the window and I began to get nervous. As soon as I was about to say something, a voice spoke up.

"Okay, Ems, can you hear me?" It was Rivs on the microphone outside of the room.

I nodded my head.

"Okay awesome! We got the track you gave me, so we'll play it and you just sing into that mic there. Sound good?"

"Hell yeah" I said with a smile, even though inside I was starting to panic.

"Alright, let's rock!"

"I am the cult of, I'm the cult of personality!"

I finished belting into the mic with a smile on my face. I could see Chris smiling widely as Kim was nudging him. I locked eyes with River, but I couldn't read what they were thinking.

"Okay Ems, we want to thank you for auditioning. We're going to talk together for a moment and I'll be right back." Rivs said before walking away. My face became pale with panic, and I could tell Chris was concerned. He hurried to the studio door and walked inside. All I did was look up at him.

His arms wrapped around me and he placed his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm sure it's all alright, Ems. You were amazing."

His words helped calm me and I hugged him back. After a few moments, Rivs and the band walked back to the studio area. Chris let me go and led me to the lounge area everyone was in. I sat down and started wiping my hands on my legs. Chris gave me a weird look. "Nervous tic" I whispered to him.

Rivs walked over to me and sat down beside me. I looked at them expectantly. "So?" I started.

"Well, you're in!"

I tackled Rivs right then and there. Our laughter and excitement filled the room and everyone else's soon followed.

"What's all the shouting about?" someone asked. I didn't know that voice. I looked up and saw a gorgeous man with blonde hair accompanied by another gorgeous man with long brown hair. The first guy had on a tank top and jeans, and had a few scarves around his neck. He had a beautiful face and a wonderful demeanor about him. He made me feel safe somehow even though I didn't know him. The other guy just had on a simple t-shirt and jeans, his long hair pulled up into a half ponytail. I don't know why, but in that moment I felt confident.

I stood up, straightened out my shirt, and walked over to the two men.

"Hi, I'm Ems, I'm the new singer for Bliss" I said with a smile, holding out my hand to greet them.

The first guy smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Ah the infamous Ems. It's so nice to finally meet you darling! I'm Andy." When the hug was ended, I turned to the other guy.

"And you are?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He looked me up and down before sticking out his hand to shake mine.

"I'm Stone. I'm sorry I don't really do hugs" he said with a gentle smile on his face.

"We'll see about that" I joked while shaking his hand.

I smiled up at him and then turned back to Chris. I was walking towards him I gave him a thumbs up, and he did the same to me. I laughed and sat next to him.

"You fucking did it, man" he said looking over at me.

"Hell yeah I did!" I gave him a high-five and then tackled him in another hug.

Hell yeah, I did it!

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