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~Ems POV~
As each second went by, I wanted more and more to leave the cafe. Michael was coming onto me hard, and I wanted nothing to do with it. But I just kept smiling and nodding my head.

"I think we can get that album out by mid next year if you are willing to sign with me" he said with a smile. I smiled back at him and took a sip of my coffee.

"I think that's something I need to talk over with my band mates. I'm not the entire band, you know, and their opinion matters too here" I said not looking at him. I felt his hand rest on mine.

"I totally get that. Talk with them and then get back to me, yeah?"

I nodded my head, eyes still on my cup. I was scared if I made eye contact with him he would try to kiss me. I wiped my hands on my legs a few times before getting the courage to look at him.

"Okay well since that's out of the way, I'm going to head back over to the venue. My friends will be expecting me." I turned to leave but was stopped by Michael grabbing my arm gently.

"Wait, Ems. I wanted to ask you something. Would you like to go out sometime? As like a date?"

I felt slightly nauseous when he said it. I knew he was thinking it but him saying it was a whole other thing. I turned to him and gave a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry Michael, you seem really great but I'm already seeing someone." It was easier than turning him down for no reason, so I lied to him. "I have to get back to him now at the venue."

"Is it Chris? Because I've seen him be really close to Susan, so I wouldn't bet on him if I were you" he said trying to convince me to go out with him.

I smiled at him and shook my head. "It's not Chris, it's Eddie. Now I need to go to him. I'll be in touch."

I jogged out of the cafe and into the street. Slowly but surely, I found my way back to the venue.

I walked in and saw Chris on stage. I smiled, realizing I wasn't too late to see everyone after the show. My heart panged with guilt when I remembered I missed Mookie's last song. I had to find Eddie.

I searched the floor if the venue before reaching the bar. No sight of Eddie anywhere. I ran back stage to look. Still nothing.

"Where did that boy go?" I asked aloud to myself.

"Maybe he ran away because you rejected him." A voice behind me made me jump. I spun around to see Stone there.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, realizing what he had said. He sighed and walked closer to me.

"Mr. lover boy dipped out. He went home. I don't blame him. I mean come on Ems, you're smart. What we're you thinking? You left with another man after Eddie poured his heart out on stage? Not cool."

My mouth hung open at his words. I didn't understand what he was saying, but I felt myself start getting dizzy.

"Stone, please explain more. I don't know what you're talking about. I left with Michael to talk album stuff. I'm sorry I didn't get to hear the last song" I started trying to explain myself. Stone held a hand up to get me to stop talking.

"Wait, you didn't hear the last song?"

I shook my head no, tears already forming in my eyes.

"Oh fuck," he said, running a hand through his hair. "Eddie wrote a song for you, a really deep song, Ems. He thinks you heard it and left. He thinks you left him for someone."

The panic fully set in. Eddie thinks I abandoned him again. This time worse than the last.

"Stone, I can't see-"

~Chris' POV~
As soon as I ran off the stage, I was greeted by Susan. I smiled at her and took the towel she offered me. We walked down the hall together while I wiped the sweat from my face.

I looked up and stopped dead in my tracks. I threw the towel somewhere and ran to Stone and Ems. Stone looked at me with a panicked look on his face. I took her from him and examined her face.

"What the hell happened?" I asked Stone. She was breathing normally and wasn't too hot, both good signs.

"I told her Eddie left because of the song thing and she explained what really happened and then collapsed" Stone said quickly.

"Okay, she's going to be fine. Did she hit her head or anything? We should get her to the green room so she can lay on the couch." I had Stone help me stand and pick Ems up. We carefully carried her to the room.

"I caught her as she went down, she didn't hit anything" Stone said. We set her down and I turned to him. His face was pale and he was sweating slightly. I grabbed his shoulder in an act of reassurance.

"You did good. Thank you for being there for her" I said before turning back to Ems. I sat on the floor beside the couch and brushed the hair out of her face.

"Stone, could you go get Eddie for me? Wherever he is, I need to talk to him" I said, not taking my eyes off of Ems. I needed to monitor her until she woke up.

Stone hurried out of the room to find Eddie. I sat there looking at her more.

"Oh M&M, what am I going to do with you, my little bundle of panic? I wish I knew what was going on in your brain so I could fix it" I whispered. I sighed before she mumbled something. I waited to see if she would say it again.

"Love... need... Eds ..." she mumbled. She still wasn't fully with me, but I responded anyway.

"Yeah M, Eds is on his way. God, he better be on his way."

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