Remember When

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~Ems' POV~

"Okay but do you remember the first time you met Andy? That day in the studio was amazing. You killed your audition."

I laughed as Chris recalled that day. "Of course I remember! You scared the shit out of me that morning!"

He threw his head back in laughter. I sat up and turned to him, holding my ankles as I sat cross-legged on the couch.

"What about when Andy saw Bliss perform for the first time. He was so freaking excited afterwards! I thought he'd never leave me alone about that duet he wanted to do."

Chris looked over at me and smiled. He didn't say anything immediately and I smiled back at him. "You know, Andy really loved you."

I leaned over and hugged Chris. I held him there a moment before pulling away. "Chris, he loved us all! He was a lover" I said smiling at him again. "You know who he loved more though? Himself" I joked to make the atmosphere lighter.

"Oh he for sure loved himself! Do you remember when he made you change because your outfit was better than him?"

We continued laughing and reminiscing about Andy for a while. After a few hours, I thought I should call Eddie to make sure it was okay for me to come back to the apartment. I didn't want to walk into a fight. That was the last thing I needed.

After trying a few times with no answer, I decided I needed to just go home. I wasn't going to let the thought of Beck being there keep me from my own home.

"M put your freaking feet down"

"You can't make me"

"Yes I can its my car"

"What are you going to do? Just drop me off here?"

After a few minutes of us joking with each other, we arrived at my apartment. I gave Chris a small hug and we said goodbye. I walked up to the door with my hands in my pockets, worried about what I could be walking into. I slowly opened the door and was met with a silent room. I looked around for any sign of possible damage.

"Is anyone here?" I called out. I didn't get any response.

"At least nothing looks broken" I said to myself walking through the apartment. The bags by the door were gone and there was no sign of Beck being here.

I opened the door and jumped slightly. "Jesus fuck" I whispered to myself. Eddie was sleeping on my bed and he looked so peaceful. I smiled at the thought of Eddie being in my room.

I slid into the bed next to him. I didn't want to wake him, but I wanted to lay with him for a moment.

I was scared to tell him how I felt. How do you tell someone that I still love with someone else? What if he doesn't want to wait for me anymore?

I just need to tell him. I can't think about it too hard. Just do this Ems. Just say 'Hi Eddie, I love someone else right now so I don't think I should be with you, hope you understand'

This is going to be so freaking hard to do.

Looking at his face made my heart burst. His mouth was slightly hung open and a small snore escaped his lips. I smiled at him. I do really love him. I want to spend the rest of time with him. But I need to wait a little bit. I need to be able to give him my all.

I turned to get out of the bed, but before I could move, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I sunk back into the bed as Eddie nuzzled up against me.

"I missed you today, Ems" Eddie whispered, giving me a small kiss on the head.

Oh god, this was going to be so hard.

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