Another Rainy Day

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~Ems' POV~

My eyes fluttered open as the sound of rain filled my ears. I stretched my arms above my head before sitting up fully in the bed. Eddie wasn't beside me anymore, and I got a bit worried for a moment. I decided not to jump to conclusions and I left the bedroom.

I hummed as I walked down the hall to the living room. When I reached the living room, I saw Eddie standing in the kitchen. His back was turned to me so he didn't see me walking up to him. I smiled as I approached him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, him jumping slightly at the sudden contact.

"Well hello there, bunny" he said, smiling brightly and turning his head to try to look at me. I hummed in response and hoisted myself up onto the counter.

"What're you cooking up, lovey?" I asked him, swinging my legs.

"Just cooking up some breakfast. I see you've started to call me lovey" he said with a smirk.

I blushed and turned away. I tried to hide my face from him, but he grabbed my chin and turned me back to him. I felt his lips meet mine. I smiled against his lips and blushed again as he pulled away.

"Well I'm your bunny, so you're my lovey" I said leaning towards him, earning another smile from Eddie.

"I'm glad we settled with that name and not the other weird ones we came up with" he chuckled slightly.

"Oh come on, you wouldn't want to be my snookums?" I asked jokingly. He laughed in response and shook his head.

Before he could speak, the phone started ringing. I hopped down off of the counter to answer it.

"Hello, this is Ems" I said into the phone.

"Hello hello, this is Michael. I was calling to make sure you were okay after last night."

I rolled my eyes and gave Eddie a thumbs down.

"Yes I'm okay. I'm sorry I ran out on you. I had to get back to someone" I said smiling.

"That's good. I wanted to let you know that we will be moving forward with the Bliss album as soon as you give me the thumbs up. Excited to hear from you soon, Ems!"

"Okay, thanks! Bye"

I hung up the phone and went back to Eddie, hugging him around the waist again.

"That was Michael" I felt Eddie tense under my finger tips. "Don't worry, Eds. He was actually calling to confirm 100% we have a deal if the others say yes."

I walked back over to where I was sitting and sat on the counter again.

"That's wonderful, bunny. Kind of sounds like he just wanted to talk to you though" Eddie said, walking over and standing in between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist. I playfully rolled my eyes at his remark.

"Yeah, but we do have a little problem with it. We need a new guitarist. Mikey can't be ours forever. He belongs to Mookie" I said with a slight frown.

Eddie gave me an apologetic look and then a smile.

"Well I'll help you find someone, bun. I'm sure Mike knows someone who can fill in" he said, holding me closer than before.

"Thank you, Eds. I love you" I said before kissing him. I felt him smile into the kiss.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of hearing you say that" he said with a smile. I smacked his chest playfully and he went back to the stove to make sure the food wasn't burning.

"That reminds me," I started, jumping down from the counter. "What do we want to label this as?"

"Um you're my girlfriend. Duh" Eddie said turning to me.

I chuckled as I walked towards the table. "Okay! I hoped, I just didn't want to jump to conclusions. We tend to do that" I said teasing him. He chuckled as he walked to the table with the food.

"I know, I'm sorry about all that. I'm going to change that" he said, setting my plate in front of me.

I smiled up at him. "You better, Vedder. You've always been awful with jumping to conclusions" I said before eating the food. He nodded his head as he sat down.

"I was thinking, should we start doing a weekly hangout at Chris'? I mean, for when Soundgarden isn't on tour obviously" Eddie said to me. I smiled at his words.

"I think that's a great idea, we just have to get Chris on board" I said jokingly, knowing fully that Chris would love the idea.

We finished our food and headed to the living room area. We turned on the tv and I snuggled into Eddie's side. I sat and thought about all the events that brought me here.

Eddie had been my best friend for forever, and now he was finally mine. I was finally curled up beside him, his fingers tracing little circles on my arm as we sat. I looked at him for a moment and just smiled.

"I could stay here forever" I said to him. He smiled back at me and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

He went to turn back to the tv but I kissed him again. This time with more passion and hunger. As we sat kissing, I felt his tongue glide along my lip. I took the opportunity to push my tongue into his mouth, earning a deep groan from him.

Without breaking the kiss I moved to sit on top of him, either leg on either side of his body. His hands held me close at the small of my back and slowly rocked me against him. This then earned a groan from me as I felt him grow harder beneath me.

We pulled away for a second to both take our shirts off. Eddie's hands immediately flew to my breasts and kneaded them gently. I smiled at him before leaning in to continue kissing.

"Fuck I'll never get tired of this either" Eddie said, pulling away to catch his breath for a moment. I chuckled at him before replying, "you better not."

He smiled at me before grabbing my hips, moving me to grind against him again. We both moaned at the friction. I took this opportunity to bite at Eddie's neck, still grinding against him.

"Fuck, Ems. Just like that" Eddie groaned at me. I smiled at that and continued biting the section on his neck.

"Gonna leave a big hickey right here, so next time you go on stage, all those fan girls know you're taken" I said before biting his neck again. He bucked his hips up towards me when I said that.

"Let's get these off" Eddie said grabbing at my pants. I leaned back and smiled. But before we could go any further, the phone rang again.

"Oh come on!" Eddie playfully yelled. I laughed and fell onto the couch. "You get it" I said still laughing. He smiled and shook his head before standing up to get the phone.

~Eds' POV~
"Why couldn't this person wait like 20 minutes to call?!" I playfully yelled back at Ems as I made my way to the phone.

I heard her laughter again and smiled. That damn laughter.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hi, um, I'm looking for Ems. I'm assuming this isn't her, unless you are her and have a wicked cold" the person on the other end said. I chuckled at that slightly.

"Sure thing," I said, turning to Ems to tell her it was for her.

"Who is it?" Ems asked making her way over to me.

"Hm, good question, let me ask real quick" I said with a playful smile. "May I ask who this is that is requesting Ems' presence?" I said jokingly into the phone, earning a laugh from Ems.

"Oh yeah, for sure, tell her it's Honey."

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