Interview, Sweetheart

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Another night, another show.

We were growing rapidly in the Seattle scene. We had gigs almost every weekend and the clubs were getting bigger and bigger. Things were getting hectic, but I was at an all time high.

Honey and I hadn't talked about the Montana thing. I didn't have an answer for her, and I think she knew I didn't want to talk about it. We acted like that conversation never happened, and continued focusing on the band.

We had some time off in January and Chris invited us all to watch one of their shows. I happily said yes and the others agreed. It ended up being Honey, D, Rivs, Stone, and Jeff joining me on the trip. When we arrived at the venue, we immediately went to the backstage area. The first person I saw was Kim, and I ran up to him. 

When he saw me coming, he opened his arms to grab me. What can I say? I'm a hugger!

"Kim! Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!" I yelled at him. He chuckled but agreed. "I can't wait to see how far we make it" he said setting me down. 

"We're ALL going to make it" Stone spoke up as the others caught up. I smiled up at Stone with a giant goofy smile. 

"M&M!" I heard someone yell. I whipped around so fast that I almost fell over. 

"Corn!" I yelled as I saw Chris jogging over. He wrapped me in a hug and buried his face in my neck. "I missed you" he said to me. I laughed at him as we pulled away from each other. 

"Corn, you haven't even been gone for a month" I said looking up at him. 

"Yeah I know, but it's hard going from seeing you every day to no day!"

Everyone else greeted Chris before we headed to the side of the stage. We looked out at the crowd waiting for the show, and it was INSANE. "I don't know that I've ever seen a crowd that big" I whispered to myself. I felt someone place their hand on my hip. I glanced over expecting it to be Honey, but it was Chris. I gave him a strange look. 

"Cameras are around. We still 'dating?'" he whispered to me. I nodded my head. Soundgarden getting big can mean Bliss getting big. Getting big means me and Honey hiding more. I needed to plant the seeds now for the flowers that would bloom later.

"Chris, we have an interview to do before we go on. It's being televised." Kim yelled over at Chris.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Chris yelled back at him. "Do you want to come with? Get a taste of the high life?" he joked at me. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Hey guys, I'm going to join Soundgarden in the interview, might be good publicity for us" I said to my bandmates. They all smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. Honey came over and gave me a hug. When she hugged me she whispered in my ear "Montana's still on the table, just wanted to remind you."

When I pulled away from her, I gave her a weak smile. I turned back to Chris and gave him a real smile. He took my hand in his and walked me to the interview area.


Eddie's POV

I came back from another morning of surfing to Beck watching a concert on tv. 

"Hi babe" I said as I walked in to make myself known. 

"Babe! You must join me! There's a concert being televised of a small band from Seattle. I think they're doing an interview soon" she said excitedly at me. I smiled at her and sat next to her on the couch. 

When the interview started, I couldn't help but think of Ems. This looks like the kind of band she would've liked. It had been months since she left, and nothing got better. She didn't call me or write to me. It broke my heart, but I understand why she did it. 

Everything reminded me of her. The ocean, the flowers, the smell of salt in the air, every song that came on the radio. I bought a notebook specifically for her. I write in it almost every day. Things I wish I could say to her. If Beck ever found it, I knew there would be hell. It wasn't right being in love with Ems, but still with Beck. But I didn't want to admit that. 

So Chris, tell us about the upcoming album the interviewer asked the band

Album? We have an upcoming album? Chris turned to Kim.

I don't know about any album Kim said to Chris

Oh I must've read it wrong the interviewer panicked

"Huh, these guys are kind of funny" I said out loud to myself.

Tell me about this little lady giggling behind the camera the interviewer said after a few questions

That's my little lady! Come on M&M Chris yelled

He gestured to her behind the camera to come out. She came and sat on his lap

Oh. my. god.

"Oh my gosh, Ed! That's Emmy!"

Hi I'm Ems

Hi Ems, welcome to the scene the interviewer greeted her

Oh I'm already part of the scene! I'm the lead singer in a small band called Bliss she smiled brightly

Do you guys have any albums coming out? the interviewer asked

Oh we're trying, but nothing yet. Maybe this one can help me with that she pinched Chris' cheek

I'll help you with anything, sweetheart Chris said to her, putting his nose to hers

I couldn't watch anymore. I got up from the couch and went to the bathroom to shower. I was so glad she was happy, but I wanted it to be with me. I don't like the idea that she ever felt this way. 

I turned on the water and got in the shower. I don't know how long I was in there. I just stood under the water.

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