I'm Back

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I tossed and turned myself awake. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up. I looked around the room for Eddie, but he wasn't in there. 

I threw on my slip dress from last night and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. I walked into the hallway and stood there for a moment, listening to see if anyone was here. I jumped when my bedroom door opened, Chris standing there in front of me.

"Good morning, Corn" I said with a smile. He smiled back at me shyly.

"I'm sorry for taking over your bed last night. I was out of my mind" he said, rubbing his forehead. I laughed at him saying that. 

"It's okay, I would've you rather been here then some random place. Plus I found a place to sleep" I trailed off. He smirked down at me.

"Yeah, we're going to have to catch up on that later, M&M. I want to hear all about it." I gave him a weird look at that. He wanted to hear about my sex life with another person?

He chuckled at my expression and then said, "Hey, no matter what happened between us, I'm still your best friend. We're going to do best friend things!"

I smacked his chest while laughing, causing him to also laugh. 

"Okay okay, but YOU are telling the media we 'broke up.'" He nodded his head and I turned to walk down the hallway to the living room. There were bags by the door and Eddie was no where in sight. I began to panic.

What if he was trying to leave? What if he regretted what happened last night? Is that why he wasn't here right now?

I sat on the couch and tried to slow my breathing. As I sat there, Chris walked out and put his shoes back on. He turned to say something but stopped when he saw I was in a state of panic. 

He came and sat by me, putting his arms around me. "Ems, look at me, what's wrong?" he asked looking into my eyes. 

"Last night, Eddie, bags, gone" I managed to squeak out. Chris pulled me to his chest in a tight hug. 

"I'm sure it's not what you think, Ems. Maybe those are just bags he didn't unpack yet. Maybe he's out with the boys. We don't know" he said trying to soothe me in that moment. 

He was right. Eddie could just be out with the boys doing band stuff. The bags didn't look like Eddie's. I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. I thanked Chris for helping me, and decided I needed to get a shower and get ready for the day.

I said goodbye to Chris and headed towards the bathroom. I stood in the shower thinking about Eddie. I couldn't believe how perfect he was. But it also scared me.

There would be times women would throw themselves at him. I trusted Eddie, but what if I wasn't really what he wanted? What if he didn't even want me right now?

I shook the ideas out of my head. There was no use worrying about it. I would just have to talk to Eddie once he got back. I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. 

"What to wear today" I said to myself, walking over to my closet. I heard the front door open and close as I searched for something to wear. My heart raced at the sound. I quickly grabbed some shorts and a sweatshirt.

I didn't need to dress nice for Eddie. He has seen me at my worst in the past, I wasn't going to start changing now.

I made my way out to the living room, stopping immediately at who was standing in front of me. 

"Oh, hi Emmy. Is Eddie here? He said we could talk through our little fight last night. I'm not sure if you heard about it or not. Don't worry, it was nothing big!" she said looking at me with a smirk. 

"Oh, um, I'm not sure where he is, Beck. You can sit in here and wait for him though. I'll be in my room if you need anything" I said turning back to my room. 

Was there fight not that big? But Eddie told me he broke up with her. Did he just use me?

I threw myself down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Oh, Eds, what's happening here?" I asked to no one. 

I sat up and looked for a notebook. Maybe writing would help me, but nothing really came out. I just felt sadness. Beck was sitting in my living room, waiting for the man I had just spent a wonderful night with. How pathetic I must look. 

I doodled in my notebook a bit, no lyrics coming to me in that moment. Only pictures. Waves. Boards. The sunset. A heart. Two hearts. I laid back again and closed my eyes, thinking of Eddie.

After a few minutes, I heard the front door open again. I walked to my bedroom door and put my ear against it, listening to see if it was Eds and what was going to happen next. 

"Hi, its Beck right? Is Ems here?"

It was Chris. What was he doing here? I soon heard footsteps heading to my door and a soft knock. 

"M&M, it's me. Let me in please"

I opened the door slowly, looking down on the ground as I walked back to my bed. He walked over and sat down next to me. 

"Want to come to my place for a little bit? Stone doesn't know where Ed is right now, and I didn't want you to sit alone while you're feeling down. But now I just really don't want you to be in the same place as Beck alone." He placed his hand on my thigh, helping ground me without even knowing. 

I smiled at him and nodded my head. "I think that's a good idea. You can cook me something good while I nap on your couch." He chuckled at me saying that and stood from the bed. He reached his hand out to me and I took it to help me up.

We walked to the living room to see Beck and Eddie standing in the kitchen. I looked down at my feet, not wanting to be pulled into the argument that must have been happening. Eddie must've got here when Chris was talking to me. 

"Me and Ems are going to go to my place and give you guys some time, okay?" Chris said to them. 

"Oh that would be wonderful, Chris. You two seem so perfect together! Maybe you two can both be in our wedding party!" Beck exclaimed. 

My heart fell to my stomach when she said that. What the fuck was happening? 

"No, there's no wedding Beck. Don't try to make Ems feel down." Eddie scolded Beck. 

I pushed past Chris and walked out of the door. I sat in his car and pulled my knees to my head. Chris got in the car and sighed. 

"What a mess. But don't worry, Ems. Eddie only wants you, Beck just seems a little psycho right now."

I chuckled at that, looking over to Chris. "Beck is a lot psycho, what do you mean little?"

He smiled at me and started the car. "Let's get you to my house. I'll make your favorite food, and you need a nap." 

I nodded in agreement and we headed to Chris'.

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