Haunting, Familiar

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-Eddie's POV-

We sat in the car in silence most of the way back from the airport. The radio was on, but it was low. A song came on that I slightly recognized so I turned it up.

"I hope you don't mind" I said to Chris. "I've really been getting into this band."

He chuckled slightly and then spoke up. "Oh really? Yeah I think they're pretty cool too."

"I think the singer is phenomenal. My girlfriend introduced me to them. She was watching their concert one day when I came home." I started explaining how cool I thought they were to Chris. I remembered seeing Ems on that screen. She was dating the singer, I wonder if she still was. 

"The singer is actually dating my best friend. She just hasn't talked to me for a while. I wonder how she's doing." I said the last part mostly to myself. 

"Oh? What's her name?" he asked with a weird expression on his face. 

"Her name is Emelia. I could talk about her all day long. My girlfriend wouldn't like that very much" I said jokingly. The car came to a sudden stop and Chris looked at me with wide eyes. I thought maybe I did something wrong. I looked out the window and noticed we were in a driveway.

"Are we here? Or-"

"Emelia Davis?" he asked, cutting me off.

"How do you know that name?" was all I could get out. I was in complete shock at him saying that. Then I really looked at him. He had the long hair, the chiseled face, the bright eyes, just now he had facial hair. 

"Oh my god, you're the Chris. You're dating Ems" I said to him. Still in complete disbelief.

He looked at the front door and back at me. "Fuck fuck fuck" he kept repeating in a whisper to himself. She must be in there right now. Was she who answered the phone? Was I talking to my best friend and I didn't even realize it?

"Okay, I'll take your stuff inside for now. You stay here. We'll go to the studio and hope Stone and Jeff are still there at least. Maybe Em isn't here. Maybe she's at band practice. Fuck! How did I not know? You're THE Eddie!" I could tell he was really worried. I didn't want to just leave if she was here. I wanted to see her. 

"Chris, what if I just go in with you? Maybe she'll be happy to see me" I said trying to convince him. 

He looked at me like I was crazy. 

"No no no absolutely not. You stay here." he said before getting out of the car. That wasn't going to happen.

-Ems' POV-

I heard Chris' keys in the door and a smile grew on my face. I was very excited to meet the new singer. I hadn't heard the tapes he sent back or anything, but on the phone he had such a rich voice. I couldn't wait to hear him sing.

Chris opened the door and immediately dropped the bag on the floor. I smiled at him as he walked towards me. 

"Corn!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me tighter than usual.

"Hey there, M&M. Stone wants me to take Mr. Singer Boy right to the studio to meet them. So I just brought his bag in and we'll be back later, okay?" He was talking faster than usual so I gave him a weird look. 

He grabbed my face and kissed me for a moment. I smiled into the kiss, all of my worry leaving. He pulled away from my lips but kept his hands on either side of my face. I kept my eyes closed and smiled widely. 

"Okay," I said while opening my eyes to look at him. "I'll be here. Is there anything I need to do for tonight?"

He smiled at me and seemed sort of relieved. 

"Everything looks good, M&M. Just be your beautiful, wonderful self. I'll see you in a little bit, okay?" He kissed me again. He sure knew how to sweet talk me. I looked him in the eyes when he pulled away and pouted my lower lip.

"Are you sure you have to go now? You don't want to heal a little?" I teased him.

He bit his lip but shook his head. "No, I have to go, he's in the car waiting for me" he said before turning and walking towards the door. He stopped right before he walked out. 

"Stay safe and calm for me, okay?"

I didn't know what he meant by that but I nodded my head at him. He smiled at me and then left the apartment. I sighed and picked up the bag Chris had dropped on the floor. I went to take it to the guest bedroom down the hall. But why did the bag seem familiar to me?

-Eddie's POV-

I wanted to see her so fucking bad, but I listened to Chris and stayed in the car. She might be really mad to see me so I didn't want to cause any trouble. We headed to the studio and there I met Stone and Jeff. 

"Hey man, I'm Stone, the guitarist. The other guitarist is not here right now, I think he's with Rivs and D. You'll meet them soon too. This is Jeff, bassist. Am I going too fast?" 

I smiled at him and shook my head. I hadn't said anything yet because I wanted to hear all he had to say to me. He smiled back at me.

"Good, want to tell us about yourself?" he asked. I blushed but nodded my head.

"Well, you already know I'm Eddie Vedder from San Diego. I have a girlfriend down there, if I join the band, she'll come up here to live with me. I used to have a band down there but it wasn't really going anywhere so I quit that. I'm really excited to join this band and see what we can do."

Stone and Jeff looked at each other for a minute and then back at me. Stone smiled and patted my back. "Let's jam, dude" he said to me. I smiled and we sat and played together for a while. 

This could be the start of something big.

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