Answer to the Tape Call

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-Ems' POV-

"Hey Steno!" I yelled as we walked in the room. I was greeted by a large smile and slight wave. Chris and I decided to join Stone, Jeff, and Mike in the studio while they recorded tapes to send out.

"I never would've thought to send tapes so far" I said, sitting down in the seating area.

"Yeah, we really want to find the perfect person, we're just lucky Jack is helping us with this" Stone said while slightly strumming his guitar. "I think we have everything we want to send out already done."

"Awesome! Maybe we should do something like that for my band" I said. Chris gave me a sympathetic look. Bliss had to officially announce the disbandment since we didn't have a guitarist. I wasn't comfortable enough to play guitar and sing at the same time, so we decided a hiatus was the best option.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Mike spoke up from the corner of the room. We all looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"What if I played for you guys? I mean, it seems the three of our bands are always playing shows together, and since neither this band nor Bliss has like an actual record, I could probably manage both for a little while! Just until you find someone of course" he finished with a big smile.

"Mike, that's a great idea!" I yelled. I ran over to him and tackled him in a hug. "Let's get to work" I said to him. He chuckled slightly.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with us playing some Bliss songs and thinking up some new ideas. It was great to know I was still part of something big. Life seemed to be healing.

After the session, Chris and I went back to his place. We decided to write some music for the tribute project.

"What about 'I can't feed on the powerless when my cups already overfilled'?" I asked Chris. He looked up from his guitar and nodded.

"I like that, I'm thinking something like this with it" he said before playing a few chords. I smiled to him and nodded.

"I think that's perfect" I said to him. "I should probably actually go home tonight."

"Okay, need me to drive you?" he asked.

"Yes please" I said with a smile. I had been staying at his place for a while, but I think it's time I stop. I love Chris, but not in a romantic way. Plus, I've seen him hanging out with someone lately and I didn't want to ruin his chances with her. He deserved to be happy.

I walked into my half empty apartment. I sighed as I looked at the pitiful state it was in. River had moved in with Stone, I guess they were together for a few months before they wanted to tell anyone. I can respect it though.

Maybe it was time to start looking for a new roommate. But I didn't know anyone who was looking for a roommate, so I left it alone for now. Something would turn up.


--A few weeks later--

"Hey Corn! What's on the agenda for the day?" I asked as I walked into his place. I set down my bag and kicked my feet up onto the coffee table.

"Well actually something pretty exciting" he said, joining me on the couch. "Stone, Jeff, and Mike are in the studio today, we're going to do a firepit out back tonight, and I was tasked with going to the airport shortly to get the potential new singer for their band" he finished with a smile.

"Are you kidding? That's so fucking exciting!" I yelled at him in disbelief. "I can't wait to meet them!"

"Do you want to come to the airport with me?" he asked as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"No that's okay, I'll stay here and clean the place. If people are coming over it needs some tidying up" I said chuckling at him and gesturing to his messiness.

"Okay, you might have a point there" he said laughing at me.

"What time do you need to head to the airport?" I asked after a few minutes. He checked the time and sighed. "Should probably leave right about now" he said. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "I'll see you soon, M&M. Make sure you're presentable to meet new people. No wonderful amazing surprises for me, okay?" he said playfully in my ear.

I laughed and smacked his chest. "Get out of here, Corn" I said through my laughter. He chuckled and got up. "Okay okay, be back soon!" he yelled before walking out of the door.

I looked around the room. "Where the hell am I supposed to even begin with this stuff?" I asked myself.

Half way through cleaning, Chris' phone started ringing. I turned down the tv and went to answer it.

"Cornell residence" I said into the phone, trying not to laugh.

"Uh hi, I'm supposed to be picked up at the airport but I don't see the guy described to me. I was wondering if you knew if he was here or not?" a deep voice filled my head.

"Oh! Yes he should be there, tall, long curly hair, little beard, extremely pouty lower lip.." I started to trail off not really knowing how to describe Chris to someone who didn't know him.

"Um, okay I guess. Oh! Never mind, I see him. Thank you miss!" the stranger said before hanging up the phone. Huh weird.

-Chris' POV-

I stood at the airport with a sign that said 'Vedder' on it. I didn't know what this kid looked like, so I had to just hope whoever walked up was him. A guy with long curly hair and a flannel on walked towards me. I knew that had to be him, so I greeted him with a big smile.

"Hi man! I'm Chris" I said holding out my hand.

He shook my hand and smiled up at me. "I'm Eddie."

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