Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)

Start from the beginning

"I wouldn't have played it if I didn't know the chant to summon it." You sneered. Marik stopped laughing and darted his attention to you quickly. "I was a duelist reporter in my future and I have to remember many duels to report for my company's news blog. I have a strong memory of duels, once I have seen them - I am able to recall everything that happens in them." You of course can only do this with duels since it was your literal job but it's only for duels and not much applied towards your social life. Marik stumbled back a little "NO THIS CAN'T BE!!!!" He yelled and you held your hand out to Marik "Oh great beast high in the sky, please hear my cry. Transform myself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight. Envelope the deserts with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe. Unlock your powers from deep within so that together we may win. Appear in this Shadow Game as I call your name, Winged Dragon of Ra!!" The god emerged from its golden sphere shell and gleamed on your side of the field. Letting out a cry once it fully came to form.

"She did it . . . (Y/n) summoned the Egyptian god card . . ." Kaiba was impressed with this form's ability that gave you this one in a million chance. He was a little jealous for not being the one who got to summon this god card himself but it was going to be his later in these finals. Even if he had to defeat you in order to get it. He was in a little debate over getting that number card as well from you since it was a rare card. A card from the future as well which would compliment his deck nicely. If only he knew how it worked, except he didn't get to see you use it properly but he would figure it out one way or another. "Go (Y/n)!!" Mokuba jumped up and down with a big smile across his face.

"It is good to see you again in person, my favorite human, Lady (Y/n) . . ."

A powerful old man's voice spoke and you flinched by the voice. "I am not the woman you speak of . . . Whoever is speaking . . ." You muttered as you looked around, now confused, which confused everyone else since you didn't make your victory move. They didn't seem to be able to hear this other man speaking so loudly. You were trying to find the source of this mighty powerful old voice. Lowering your hand to your side.

"I am the one speaking, one of the 3 gods you prayed to everyday. I, The Winged Dragon of Ra."

You silently gasped and quickly turned to the god card on your field who turned it's head to meet your ZEXAL morphed eyes. You were in utter disbelief that this god was speaking to you which was news to you that they were even able to since they were to follow only the pharaoh. To follow Yami. You figured this was only possible for him but here you were talking to this Egyptian God.

" . . . You seem to not have fully awakened yet all because of the punishing curse I placed on that traitor that seems to be inflicting you . . . You suffer because of that traitor who brought destruction to your kingdom . . ."

Your eyes grew wide when even this god card mentioned this traitor 'So what Yami Bakura said before was true about a traitor' You confirmed that theory from this god who seemed to be a witness of this devastating event of Yami's past. "What curse?" You questioned the golden bird.

"What are you waiting for!? Finish him (Y/n)!!" Kaiba demanded from the sidelines which made you come back to reality. "He's right." You mumbled and focused back at the now shaking Yami Marik.

"We can discuss later Lady (Y/n), Let us finish this evil spirit who has used me for this grotesque volition."

"Still not who you are talking about buuut anyways." You mumbled before turning back to True Marik. You firmly nod with your eyes narrowing down coldly to True Marik "Right" You raised your hand once again at Marik "WINGED DRAGON OF RA!!! I COMMAND THEE!!! SHOW THIS EVIL ENTITY YOUR RAGE FROM THE MIGHTY SUN!! GO ANNIHILATE YAMI MARIK!!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs as the god followed your orders and shot a powerful light ball to ensnared Marik's masked beast monster and the rest of his life points. 'It's over for you evil spirit and it is time to let the real Marik be the one who rules over his body again . . . Mai . . . I avenged you . . . I hope you are awake now . . .' You thought as you listened to the sound of Marik's duel disk life points run down to zero.

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