Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)

Start from the beginning

You sat with them after you got yourself a decent amount of food to eat. Tristan had multiple plates to eat which was a lot for even your own stomach to handle. He was chowing down like this large amount of food was normal but he was not the only one since Joey was also doing the same. Joey won the cake through the classical game of rock, paper, scissors. Tea was of course sour about losing the game to Joey out of all people for cake. He even ate it loudly to brag to her of his winnings. Yugi nudged him in the arm to eat quietly but also to stop teasing poor Tea. "I thought you already went to (Y/n)'s room to return the duel disk to her?" Duke eyed your duel disk then laid his sights back on Tristan. You made sure to stay calm and not over think things when Duke said that. "Yeah but we only went to her room once and I forgot which way to turn to get to her room. So I ended up lost." Tristan laughs it off while hanging his head low. Serenity tilted her head to the side "Ah so that's why you looked overwhelmed when you returned to your room." She shrugged. Tristan gulped when Serenity was ratting him out with so little effort.

'Serenity my beautiful goddess why must you betray me.' Tristan glanced over to you who was calm and collected. You then looked at him with only a soft smile. "I got lost trying to get here to this cafeteria myself so I understand. This place is huge after all." Your assurance made Tristan feel less tensed up. 'Even though my cover is blown, Tristan hasn't said a word. I can trust him to keep his silence.' You wanted to interrogate Tristan to see how much he must have heard between you and Noah but forced your journalist instincts from doing so. Taking a lot of willpower to not shake it out of him too. Jane was confused a little since she was out of the loop herself because she was asleep when you were talking with Noah so she didn't know what was going on. With that, Jane didn't feel the need to give in her opinion because she didn't see anything wrong.

The group continued to talk about things they plan on doing once this entire tournament is over. You didn't even think much on what you would do after all this was over. Knowing you still will have to live in that hotel for a little longer before trying to find leads for your new quest for the daggers deeper history. You lied about what you will do after, saying you will go on a trip somewhere but your residence will be this city for the time being. This was also a false hope you had to make this possible but you knew it most likely will not because of time.

"Oh Yug how is that millennium necklace that Ishizu lady gave ya after the duel with Kaiba? It didn't get damaged from the virtual world did it?" Joey asked after wiping his face with a napkin since he had a lot of frosting on his face. 'So she knows Yugi? It isn't a surprise about that. She knew about the millennium items so there was no doubt she knew about Yugi and possibly Yami. This is the first I have heard about this. She gave it up because of Yami being the nameless pharaoh? I thought she was coming after me? What changed her mind?' Your mind was riddled with questions as Yugi pulled out the millennium eye necklace from his pocket. Showing it to Joey "It didn't get damaged luckily. Even after taking so many falls down those wormholes Noah kept summoning onto us." Yugi and everyone at the table sighed at the memories of those things. Just thinking back on them made everyones brains hurt. You played along even though you knew Noah was just trying to keep his father away but also tried to get to you in order to save himself. Selfish but you did manage to save everyone else in the process so it was a win win at the end of the day. Yugi put away the necklace but he did notice the way you looked at the necklace. You looked familiar with it but he didn't think it was the right time to ask you about it.

"Attention duelist, the next duelist who will compete with one another will be announced. Meet in the new arena in the next 5 minutes."

The announcement was made after 20 minutes of talking with everyone. Mokuba came into the cafeteria and was there to escort everyone to this new arena the intercom person spoke about. "Come on, let's go!" He gestured to them to hurry and follow him. All of you threw your trash away, cleaned up your table, and then followed Mokuba. Jane followed beside Mokuba when they all met in a room where Kaiba was standing with the same lottery blue eyes dragon ball machine. "I will be pulling this time." Kaiba announced and he pressed the button to start the raffle. "Please let it be me, please let it be me." Joey prayed softly to himself. Craving for a redemption duel after dueling that judge who was cheating. It was no fun and a worthless duel. He wanted to regain his dignity with a real duel. Serenity giggled to her brothers dumb actions while Tea rolled her eyes at them. The balls started to slow down in the ball pit and out came a number ball from the dragon. Kaiba snatched it quickly and scoffed at the sight of the number.

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