Chapter 19 || Thin Mint Parties.

Start from the beginning

He reached for his hair, messing it around. "Your being rude. I gave you a sweet compliment."

I glanced over my shoulder. Please tell me someone else is on their way because I cannot with this man. "The ninja comment? That's not a compliment." I sighed, glancing up at his tussled hair, "Why does your hair always look so---" I shook my head, turning back to the cliff.

Maddox fake gasped. "Was that an almost compliment I was about to get?"

I ignored him, watching Ash mess around on the edge as people gathered around him, cheering for him to jump. Ash on the other hand was making an episode of the Ash show. Swaying back and forth, laughing so hard I could hear the deepest of his carefree laugher from here. He hopped from one leg to the other, pretending to almost jump.

Maddox nudge me. "Come on sweetheart, finish your compliment. I'm dying to hear it."

"Are you fishing for compliments?" I asked, watching Ash sway forwards. And right when he was about to sway backwards, Lily zoomed at him with full force. Slamming into him, she took him over the edge with herself. Their screamed echoed off the rock and got submerged in the water with a large splash. "Fishing? No sweetheart. Do I looked like the kind of guy to fish? We might live in Texas but you won't see me ever holding those slimy fuckers." he shuttered at the thought.

I chuckled lightly. "Then what exactly would you call this, Madds?"

He lifted his finger, tapping his jaw before snapping his fingers. "A compliment between friends. That's a thing, right? Friend's give each other compliments."

I turned to face him directly now. Maddox's and I had the type of relationship I expected siblings to have. We bicker, put up with each other but don't necessarily like each other. Well, I don't mind him, oddly enough I have come around to him. I think in his position though if it weren't for Mateo's so-called protection over me, then Maddox wouldn't have looked in my direction twice. Probably not even once's. He just stays around because of Mateo.

That didn't stop us from annoying each other. I wouldn't tell him this, but I liked it. Made me feel like in some dumb way, I had a brother. His what I expected an older brother to act like. Doesn't really like me but protects and annoys me. I never had that, and experiencing it, even though Maddox I find myself cherishing it. Or maybe it was the constant company?

I titled my head up to look at him, and him having inch's on me is also not fair. Waving my pointer finger at him I said, "First. Friends? Debatable." I lifted my middle finger, "Two, your ninja comment is not a compliment. It makes me sound like a sneaky killer that carries around num-chuks." Did ninja's carry around num-chuks?

He regarded me for a second before nodding to himself as if what I said made sense. "Your right. I like your dress. Makes you looks fucken eatable. There—" he made an exploding gesture with his hands, "Compliment."

I stared at him, unblinking. That's a compliment. A questionable one, but a compliment either way. The eatable part almost made me want to wrinkle my nose at him, but I just stood, looking up at him with a little bit of shock. My dress was nice though. It was a short white dress with faded blue floral print and a lightly ruffled hem. The straps tied into small bows were also real cute. Along with my white sneakers and my hair tired up in a high ponytail, I looked like an orange cutie. Just blue. A blue cutie. Wait, okay, that makes no sense. The fruit was what I was talking about, a cutie.

I shook my head trying to unconfuse myself. "Fine." I said, messing with the hem of my dress now. I glanced over him, trying to come up with a complaint. Heck, I could give him a million but what is small enough to not feed his monstrous ego more?

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