Start from the beginning


"Look at the brand." Her cheeks heated up at what James had whispered, a sly smirk on his lips.

"I don't care."

"Then why are you drooling?" James asked, slapping the back of her head. "Get over yourself and look at the brand."

"He can smoke fucking crack for all I care."

"Winston's, you stubborn bitch." He hissed, her jaw clenching in frustration. "That's what he smokes. Ever heard of it?"

How dare he? How dare he smoke her cigarettes? What was his problem anyway? Why couldn't he go and try every single brand on his own, or ask the vendor to get him the cheapest packet like all normal human beings, and instead he chose to smoke hers?

"He misses you, that's why." James whispered. "He can't get you out of his head, and he's been smoking like a train engine, because it's the only thing that keeps his nerves in check."

"Maybe he should see a therapist."

"Maybe, he should get a pair of balls first, but okay." He murmured to himself.

"Are you two even listening?" Moody asked, turning to look at them both.


"Fuck's sake..." He huffed, rubbing his forehead. "Change of plans. Lupin, you go with Claire. Potter, you go with Black."

She had to bite down on her cheek to stop herself from cursing him right at that moment. When she turned to glance at Remus, he was already looking at her, an unreadable expression in his eyes. He almost looked sad, even regretful.

You're fucking delusional.

No, he couldn't have been regretful. His lips tugged up in a small smile. It was barely there, but to her, it was sick. What game was he playing? It truly felt as if he was playing with her head, smiling at her like that. She didn't smile back, turning back to the front.

Thinking about it, it was more likely that he had gotten a stroke and his lips got stuck in that position.

"Do you want to grab a coffee with us?" Lily asked. She would have said no, hadn't it been for that look in her eyes.

Put the poor woman out of her misery...


"Home." She responded. "We haven't seen you in a long time."


"Us two."

"Yeah, okay." She nodded. "I'll just have to send an owl from your place. I don't know where I'm apparating to."


Her heart stopped beating the moment she heard her name tumbling from Remus' lips. That explained why Lily's expression had gotten slightly detached, or why James seemed on edge.

They're expecting you to blow up like the lunatic you are.

"Yes?" Her voice came out steady, calm. It seemed to take him aback too. He was probably expecting her to slap him or curse him at the very least.

"Moody said he'll send me the details about the mission." Why was he looking at her like that? It made her self-conscious, as if there was something wrong with her face. "Eh... can you give me your address, so I can owl them to you?"



"Moody's owl will have to do one extra trip. I'm in hiding, remember?"

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 [𝐑. 𝐋𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧]Where stories live. Discover now